
Lack of creativity in so many games - endless killing

Started by March 14, 2013 01:16 AM
17 comments, last by RealityFails 11 years, 9 months ago

Killing in games is just conflict resolution at it's simplest. An obstacle stands in the way of a achieving an objective, so superior force is used to remove it. However if you know "The art of war" Sun Tsu you understand that these victories are not a superior strategy. Ideal strategy "Takes whole" or achieves its victory not in conflict with its obstacles but using them as advantages.

This thread seems focused on where combat games can go to escape the mindless killing. This is my suggestion. Look to the art of war to make war games a little higher art. Many seem to blame players for the difficulty of designing war games more creatively, but the success of creativity doesn't demand the audience be different. It teaches the audience how to look at the art of creative game design differently. You don't need creative game ideas you need creative ways of introducing the ideas to the gamers.

If the objective of the game is to, move from point A to point B without enemy X stopping you. The player needs to know first the basics, moving between A and B. The threat, how enemy X stops the player. The conflict resolution, the methods reaching point B using X to you advantage. The variety of options for the player to discover on their own (to achieve this objective with more efficiency) are the achievements that make the game fun. Don't blame the player for not being able to expand on this structure, look to be creative and innovative in introducing these new structures to best entertain your gamers.

My opinion, it more seams like you people just want to change a type of game within a genre that just is not your thing. Al those options are features that move away from the basic formula. Lot of gamers like.
FPS is often mostly about dealing death in a cool way as possible. Competing with skillz in simple set of rulez. You can still go the other way. Much more gore more dismemberment. Wich I miss.

If you want this less violent aprouch, the theme must support this. A police FPS like SWAT there you have huge ROE limitation. And there is some rule set to minimize voilence. And get the bad guy alive if posible. That give such game much more depth wich make sense and fit the theme.

In military disipline you don't need to kill, severly wound can be enough but its not crusial. It give more design and content constains that complicate things. So is avoided. While with the police theme it could be key point of police work. In some sitution you need instant kill, brain stam. Wich is sniping within 100 yards. Or un arm a bad guy by snipe his weapon. A guy with a knife atacking shoot him in the leg from 3 yards. Nonlethal weapons. Beanbag shotgun.

The free America amy game had medic training in it. Altho ver limited, but it makes it more authentic. Also wenn hit you leak so need to be treated or bleed to death. Also team survival is of some importance. ROE is also into the mix.

But lots of gamers want to shoot online and have fun competing. If that not your thing go Nintendo.

Me want more gore. Soldiers of fortune is more my thing.

I guess most of the gamers are into those kind of games, and with that, these games are most produced. So I think its more a problem that FPS hater don't have that much titels to fulfill there game needs.

Like I miss the high quality triple A space shooters. Well we still have the indies small and big.

Also CoD online is like quake or unreal tournament with a modern warfare theme on it. Fake unrealistic gameplay with realistic looks but not feel. Then on top of it some rpg like leveling and unlocks, and score streaks.

But heavy rain and the walkingdeath from telltale are totaly not my thing. Blasting zombies in a cool shotgun way is.
How has no one mentioned the hitman series as afairly good example as to what I believe you are talking about? It is however pretty complex and often involves either reading the answers online or getting lucky in order to find out the possible ways to win a level without getting detected at all.

Best selling games of all time -

PC - The Sims, The Sims 2

PS3 - Gran Turismo 5, Gran Turismo 5 Prologue

Mobile Paid Downloads - Tetris, Angry Bird, Pacman.

Maybe endless killing and violence isn't as dominant as we thought...

Best selling games of all time -
PC - The Sims, The Sims 2
PS3 - Gran Turismo 5, Gran Turismo 5 Prologue
Mobile Paid Downloads - Tetris, Angry Bird, Pacman.

Maybe endless killing and violence isn't as dominant as we thought...

True if you take the what females want. Or the casuals. And go for the best selling franchise or title. Or the oh so many time killing short game session stuf on smartphones. And tablets. Huge market.

But I disagree.

So its the average male wich do go for sports cars and aktion. GT5 falls in that line to. Race game genre does well but what about game choice per platform. Wich genre dominates?

Domination is what kind of games dominates market. Like FPS is a genre that dominates not a specific title..
Not wich game sells best.

I got GT5 & prologue as only race game on my PS3. But then again I am captainslow. Just a very littlebit petrolhead.
While I got for FPS
Cod Mw2 3
Blops 1 2
Farcry3 PC
rage PC
Sniper elite2
Ghost sniper warrior2
Zombi u
Masseffect wiiu pc
Assasincreed wiiu
Stalker cop
Many many more.

Got even more fps games then i have time to play,name them all is a huge FPS list.

Now take heavy rain a game I hate. Name 20 similar big retail game titels within its niche out there now.

Now take Sims I total not interested in name 20 retail clones with there own franchize.

Recaping it. It seams more like that the best selling franchizes more fill in a market gap and are uniek on that platform. So rule due to absence of direct and on same level of competition.

Like I played the medicore Xseries space game because there isn't much competive out there yet. So limited choice.
While FPS. So much competition they split the market. Thus also the genre sales.

So domination is more about what genre is populating the shop shelfs of game boxes. Combined sales including a few sales hit titels.

How has no one mentioned the hitman series as afairly good example as to what I believe you are talking about? It is however pretty complex and often involves either reading the answers online or getting lucky in order to find out the possible ways to win a level without getting detected at all.

Yes i was going to mention it as well. Also Project IGI in a lesser way.


The Thief series was an excellent example of alternate gameplay IMHO.

- My $0.02

More enemies that run away/surrender (with a few that might come back so you better keep your eyes open)

Quite strangely, this was one of the top suggestions in some "how to be a good DM" book I've read.

Having enemies leave and ambush you at the next stop is something that really adds to the narrative, and really gives you an incentive to rid yourself of him because their "so-called will to live" also inherently becomes a reccurring spine in your ***.

That said, your analysis is based on mainstream games only, and even so, you're skipping on obvious choices too. Deus Ex: Human Revolution, as per previous installments, allows you to just bypass the enemies, and this is extremely rewarding as well. Plus, you get points for silent takedowns.

Then again, you'd see that from pretty much any Agent 47's installments as well (read, Hitman)

To the first post, you make really good points and I couldn't put it any better. At the end of the day all it is and ever will be is a video game. CoD as well as others don't pride themeselves on realism.

I however for my survival horror video game, have made this a challenge for players dealing with monsters and and enemy human AI, if she is shot one time anywhere besides the arm, its game over as for the arm, it must be tended to or a slow bleed out will cause random death.

I think it has a lot to do with what you play. I see it this way, you play CoD and want realism thats like jumping in a pool and expecting not to get wet.

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