
What is "UI Test Automation"?

Started by March 11, 2013 11:36 PM
3 comments, last by alnite 11 years, 6 months ago

This is going to sound very n00bish but this is a term I hear very often, but I've never actually learned what it is. What exactly is UI Test Automation and how do I utilize it with C++?

I'm going for a job interview soon at Microsoft for an SDET contract job for Xbox, but since I don't have a clear definition of what test automation is, I'm not feeling very confident. Now, I've had multiple test and QA jobs for Xbox, and I know how to use C++ very fluently and I'm also familiar with C# and JavaScript. I've also written code for the 360 console before and have coded all sorts of games, tools and stuff for Windows and MacOSX. This test automation thing doesn't sound intimidating in the least, but atm, I don't understand what exactly it's used for.

I tried googling, but since I'm in a bit of a rush today, I haven't had any real time to sit down and read any lengthy articles. Probably won't have any time to read anything (or even a chance) until tomorrow morning.

So, I feel confident with coding since I've been doing it so long, it's like second nature to me. I have all the experience requirements except UI Test Automation experience. Any pointers would be nice.


It's pretty much what it says on the tin...

"UI test automation."

We'll break it down into parts. First, we have:


This is the central part. We're testing things.


This is important. The testing is not manual, it's automated.


And last but not least: we're testing UI.

Et voila!

That's frankly all there is to it. If you can't think of at least 3 or 4 ways you could write code to accomplish this, you're not ready to be an SDET.

Wielder of the Sacred Wands
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I assumed it was more complicated than this. I googled and found that article before, but didn't have any time to read it all. Anyway, I guess I won't fully understand until I see it done or until I've actually done it. Thanks!


UI tests, in my experience, are platform dependent. It's not something that you utilize from your C++ code. They are not a collection of methods you call from your app, but rather a separate app that sits there and presses buttons for you. It also has to be made compatible to the platform you are developing for. A Windows UI testing tool won't be able to test a game written for PS3, because it has to be able to send the appropriate input signals to be able to automate the tests, unless there's a PS3 emulator running on Windows.

It is a form of blackbox testing. The tests themselves don't care how the application under the test works. Try looking at Sikuli, for an example of a UI testing suite.

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