Im working on a turnbased tactical game with realtime management/strategy. Like in old xcom you build bases, manage them and your soldiers and engage in combat in turnbased small maps and when you do, the world (and the management/strategy part) is on paus.
Setting is modern day broken down us with militias/streetgangs/mafias fighting for control of the cities. Each game takes part in a city concisting of hoods (sectors) and the goal is to take over the city completely. How about fun mechanics for doing so? Lets recap:
random combat: to get resources, to unlock stuff
progression: scan and explore and develop your tech so you can kill the aliens before they get too strong and kill you.
random combat: to get resources and avoid panic (panic makes you loose support and thereby income and possibly direct defeat)
progression: a few triggered (by research and/or time?) unique encounters leading to a final battle scenario. Aliens do not really grow too strong at any time. Hard early in campaign but way to easy towards the end.
Did i get that right?
My plan is to have the player gain "loyalty" in hoods by defending them against bandit and opposing militias, doing jobs there and selling drugs to the desperate population. With high enough loyalty, a hoods ruling militias (old world "government" but in the game these are also violent criminals, only worse) strongpoints will be revealed (contacts, turncoats etc) and may be assaulted. Once enough hoods are controlled, the main controlling body of the city may be challanged to try to "win the campaign". When control raises, the opposition towards the player will increase.
Does this sound fun to you? Any other ideas for overarching strategy mechanics for such a setting? How would the player progress towards victory?
Thanks for your input