how about monster off road game platform?
Now I have serious money problem..
So I must make something..
So I think about android 3D off load game.
I have already DX 3D terrain eninge - commercail
so this is cheappest way to make something money
Ideas comming from now
1. monster game . there is many paper house and you must crush as many house you can.
in this game visual FX and motion of car is critical. cause crushing house is big thing so car must have very long shock absorber.
and big wheel. I think how to make it real or so overaction for running and crushing..
2. just normal off road game. you can run as you want and you can assign mark at map and your friend and you can run there by flag by flag.
I'm just old 3D programmer. so this is my basic ideas for off road game. and.. there is one more dream
I can publish my 3D terrain engine to openly. so anyone can make there own 3D map and car.( I must add for 3D car tool also)
I just think racing or car related sfuff is just fun for riding nothing more.. so I skip what kind of map what kind of weather etc.
I try to just focus on riding fun, rolling and crushing car . mud, water. curshed engine room's steam like this kind of very detail joy. and also curshing other's car too...
but I very very new to design game. Can you help?
i love this kind of scene so agressive!
and below is very similiar what i think for just racing game