Sorry it took so long to reply, was caught up in a few things.
I like the idea of this project if I'm understanding it correctly. It sounds kind of like double dragon or final fight mixed with a jrpg-style town/love story. I would be wary of feature creep though. If this is an indie game I would advise against full voicework, even if you have piles of money lying around to pay voice actors to record multiple takes of possibly hundreds of lines of dialog. The process of recording and overseeing the whole thing would be pretty monumental. Even professional games are notorious for bad voice acting. The payoff vs the work hours spent on it isn't worth it in my opinion.
I would focus on finding the core features that make the game stand out and work on ways to make them better. I think having 2 great features is better than having 5 average features. I would think about ways to make being in the town an interesting experience with plenty to do. You'll obviously be spending a lot of time fighting, as well, so that can't be a monotonous experience. Using randomization and all the ways you can tie the fighting world back to the town may help keep this aspect from feeling like a chore.
I was actually thinking of a different approach to the voices, but I won't go into details since I'm changing my original thought. I decided that although I would love voices, there would be also people who'd prefer texts for various reasons. Therefore, to make things easier, I'll start off with a text version so I can focus more on my hub world and end up, after the games release, working on turning the text into voice. This way I can not only edit my words at any point during the development stage, I can provide an alternate to the text later on after the game is released and the text is perfected. It's much better this way.
The plural of "character" is "characters."
The plural of "menu" is "menus."
thanks, I'll change that.