What did/do you like in a pinball game? For me it was getting a high enough score that I got another ball, or getting up the ramp and activating all the targets.
I'm wondering which of those mechanics would go well in a platformer for mobiles.
I prototyped a few mechanics:
- Bumpers (look like clouds)
- Targets (toggle active when hit, if a whole group are active it's a "combo")
- Bullseye target (hard to reach but good to get)
- Platforms you can shimmy to move and push things
- Arrows (shoot player direction arrow is facing)
- Player jumping (15 jumps)
- Teleporter (hitting a block teleports you to another position)
And Hazards:
- Sawblade(does damage and bounces you off)
- Spikes (damage+bounces you away)
- Explosion (burns player if they're in range)
- Fireball shooter (damages if hits player)
- Arrow shooter (arrow with gravity does damage)
As a platformer it's kinda like turn based pinball, you shoot and hope you hit things right to ricochet and land on platforms, but instead of having flippers to avoid a hole you land and make your next move from there.
I'm still brainstorming the levels, what kinda puzzles I want to include if any, like activate certain blocks to unlock stuff. You start with no ingredients but there will be 4 or more in each level as bullseye targets. If you hit one an icon will become active as an ingredient. You can have 4 icons active and put them together by touching to make different jumps.
Here's a start of the first level, basically I'm just trying to place things out and test them to see what works.
Anyone have any ideas on level themes, design, layout, a feature to add, or any games that were platformers with pinball mechanics I could check out for inspiration? Thanks