
An aspie in need

Started by February 25, 2013 09:39 PM
18 comments, last by Adaline 11 years, 6 months ago

@ranakor: Thanks I will look into Unity's Digital Tutors.

@SymLinked: I also think it's sad that no one is willing to lend a helping hand. Although the people who posted in this topic gave me some advice.

@jbadams : So they gave me advice all along? I guess I was just too ignorant at the time. I'm going to put in time and effort. Wish me luck.

@Everyone else: I understand the concerns and hints of advice. I guess I just wanted a head start in life. Looks like I'll just have to give making games a try.

@jbadams : So they gave me advice all along?

They really did, and not once has anyone (other than you) suggested that asperger's should hold you back! You've been given the same type of advice that others with similar goals and project ideas are given, and you have exactly the same opportunity as those other people to follow that advice and make some great games.

The following is a selection of advice quoted from your previous topics, with emphasis added:

My advice is to start with a much simpler project. I think you need to set more realistic goals and focus on completing smaller projects if you want to accomplish your goal of becoming a game developer. I took the liberty of looking at some of your past posts and I can see a pattern of starting ambitious projects only to get distracted and try something else. You need to pick a technology, a small project, and work that project to completion.
The Sims is a very complex game that took many many people to produce and a high budget. I am not saying that you will never be able to produce a game like that in the future, but right now you do not have the resources or skills to be able to produce that game successfully without frustrating yourself a great deal.

You're asking for funding to develop a game. Investment requires scrutiny, if not a full technical analysis. You have shown a lack of understanding of copyright, and a lack of understanding your own limitations. Both of these things would threaten every dollar you get to develop a commercial product. These aren't permanent gamebreakers; these are obstacles that you can work through.
Work with your own limitations. Embrace them. Don't give up, but you have to work with them, and understand what you can and can't do. An MMO, for example, is out of your league. Infringing IP is also way out of the question.

Sharing lots of game ideas constantly is not how games get made.
Games get made when a team or individual focus on one idea*, and continue to work at it until it's done. If you have some difficulty that makes it harder for you to stick with and complete a project then you need to find a way of dealing with that and proceeding with your project; it is not the responsibility of others to deal with your problems, and while most people will be sympathetic with your situation, in the real world people won't just jump on board and do things for you because of your difficulty. They're working with their own difficulties -- aspergers and other disorders, health problems, financial problems, and more -- as well, and they have their own ideas they would like to work on as well. They're not "greedy jerks" because of that -- some people are of course, but for the most part everyone else is just busy dealing with their own problems and trying to reach their own goals -- you're not a greedy jerk for not helping all of them!
You can succeed, but you need to focus, and apply yourself fully, and you need to do it -- you can't expect other people to do it for you. You can do it! Get out there and don't stop trying till it's done! :)

I'm going to put in time and effort. Wish me luck.

Excellent! I wish you all the luck in the world!
Start off from the basics like everyone else, spend the time to properly learn how to create games, and you absolutely can succeed! We're here to help, so don't be afraid to ask. smile.png cool.png

- Jason Astle-Adams


Damnit, the editor mangled those quotes... they're supposed to be separate quotes rather than all combined, but I think you should still be able to follow the point of the post.

- Jason Astle-Adams

Just to put this out there (and I say this hoping that it is helpful), development of a large scale computer game likely involves skills that would be very difficult to learn. However maybe producing a board or card game is something you can do with the skills you already have and still be a significant accomplishment. Competition would still be fierce, that's what makes it a major accomplishment.

Or if you have a story to tell, write a book. Become a writer or how about an artist? Again, it's no small matter to do these things well but you probably have the fundamental skills to begin.

Wow. Just... wow.

Damnit, the editor mangled those quotes... they're supposed to be separate quotes rather than all combined, but I think you should still be able to follow the point of the post.


The new editor is great except that it really mangles some more complex quotes :(




We know it's terrible, and we really are trying to fix it. Unfortunately they designed the software in such a way that a lot of the other functionality assumes the standard editor is present, so it's a non-trivial job to replace it with something more suitable. We know it's a problem, and we will get it solved -- unfortunately it's just taking some time. smile.png

- Jason Astle-Adams

as somebody with a similar problem to you, i think that aspergers is no excuse to go on about outlandish projects. I imagine that many people here have it(no offense intended since i have it to), and they don't do these things. In the beginning, i talked about big projects(like things like mario etc) , but not on forums. I eventually realized that one has to work , none of this 'i can't make them by myself'' mentality as this is wrong. Sure, it is hard in the beginning, but once you have struggled for a year in c++ and finally moved onto Python with all the things you have learned it takes less than a week(of intense concentration). Aspergers does not hinder learning, for me it enhances it. I think that people should be judged as people, regardless. Hitler and Mussolini may have had major mental disorders, but does that stop you from judging them?

plus, i think leading a guilt trip on especially these forums is a very stupid idea.

I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you aren't lying

There's a user on YouTube with autism, and with his own quirks and phobias. He has some particularly unique an interesting ideas for making games, and guess what, he's programming them on his own. The idea would be ridiculous if done on a very specialized 3D engine, but he's making it in 2D so it is manageable for him. His level of obsession with certain things becomes an ironic strength in that it keeps him determined to finish them. As others have said, you should focus on where your strengths are, not complain about your weaknesses.

We do not have a prejudice or bias against disabilities - what we do have generally is a bias against overly ambitious ideas where there is no apparent level of skill to complement it. When someone comes up with no concrete plans or prototypes and announces a sandbox game on the scale of AAA games, or somewhat similar in complexity, I believe they should be asked, do you enjoy building large things or just the feeling of having something large and ambitious right in front of you? Do you want to develop games because it's something you enjoy, or because you want respect / e-cred / whatever? It's all right to have some mixture of both, but it's more important that enjoyability comes first.

New game in progress: Project SeedWorld

My development blog: Electronic Meteor

Please don't use Asperger as an excuse, it's too much easy, unfair. And people (Asperger or not) just don't care. Everybody has his own problems, you know. But if you need help, ask help, don't flood people with every unelaborated idea you have. Here is what for, ask and get help. Being Asperger doesn't mean you can do whatever you want and then ask for excuses. Please take it easy

Good luck smile.png

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