
Sony and the PS4, I'm Impressed. Your Thoughts?

Started by February 21, 2013 06:14 AM
64 comments, last by warhound 11 years, 6 months ago

I think the PS4's question is whether or not it can result in an innovative gaming experience. I am impressed by the tech specs, but....I really don't know beyond that...

At this point, I think innovation is with whatever new peripheral Sony and 3rd parties decide to support. IMO, Wii U missed the boat on that one. But we'll see if Sony incorporates the Move with the neuro-headsets I've been reading about. Or even the VR helmets now being made.

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I like what I know about the hardware so far, but there aren't enough details for me to really get excited about anything. For me, the whole way Sony presented itself was just totally cool. Strong message, more or less humble, and just plain pragmatic about things. The PS2 and PS3 were so different in style, especially the PS3 which is what I remember the most. One of my biggest worries, though, was that Sony would pull off some shenanigans like Microsoft has been doing lately with E3. Some sort of celebrity charged media event, like WTF? Sony did not disappoint me.


Not impressed at all. I never owned a PS3 so the BC is a serious issue for me; now it all depends on how many PS3 games they bring over. The games are what matter really, I won't get one if it ends up like the Vita with few outstanding titles and the PSP games I most want aren't on PSN. The specs sure are nice, but PCs are even better and there's already a ton of games on and coming to PC.

It is certainly a change from the "the next generation doesn't start until we say it does" I guess the PS2 made them feel like gods and Microsoft got them back down to Earth :P


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It is certainly a change from the "the next generation doesn't start until we say it does" I guess the PS2 made them feel like gods and Microsoft got them back down to Earth tongue.png

That's the biggest thing I took away from the conference. Sony was damaged a lot by their attitude early on. The change in that will benefit everyone.

I don’t think Sony has the ability to impress me after having scarred their reputation permanently via their past arrogance.

It is nice that they changed their attitude this time around but it is about 10 years too late. They are asses who don’t belong in the game industry, period. Rather than being nice guys they are just jumping down Microsoft’s throat (and vice-versa).

They had the gall to tote the PlayStation Portable as a device where you can stick pictures of your girlfriend’s naughty bits. How is that acceptable at all anywhere?

All women: Instantly offended.

Any decent man would also be offended. If you are a man and not offended by that, it says something about you.

That being said, the new controller feels better in my hands overall, though a bit heavier.

But it also looks 10× dorkier with the touch pad creating a big blank space over the front of it. And the space in the back where it curves down to make room for the L/R buttons is more narrow and hurts the top of my middle fingers more than the old controller does. I can’t see this being used for any long-term gaming.

The only good point about Sony is that 2 days ago I was leaving my office and suddenly I had to go to the bathroom and Sony headquarters was right there, so I used their bathroom. Other than having a conveniently located bathroom, Sony has no purpose.

Unfortunately, all the same gripes can be said about Microsoft, except they don’t have any bathrooms where I work so they are even worse.

And, unfortunately, Nintendo is run by 7 chair members, only one of whom is young and fresh and has a clue what the hell this generation wants. The others are old clueless grampies who all need to hurry up and die off so that Nintendo can get its act together. The young one among them is constantly frustrated by them because he always gets outvoted. “Processing power is not important,” the old guys say. “I have been making games since you were in diapers. I know what the customers want.”

Great gramps. You know that games matter most. Oh by the way, games are made by developers, and if it is too difficult to support you system along with the other 2, your system will just not get support. Get a clue.

Of the 3, Sony and Microsoft are asses and Nintendo is clueless. The last generation of consoles was…the last generation of consoles.

Only Sony headquarters has a convenient bathroom and it is actually faster for me to get to the station by going through their building rather than around it, so technically they save me some time getting home. Technically that makes them the winner.

L. Spiro

I restore Nintendo 64 video-game OST’s into HD!


They had the gall to tote the PlayStation Portable as a device where you can stick pictures of your girlfriend’s naughty bits. How is that acceptable at all anywhere?
All women: Instantly offended.

Offtopic: not necessarily. Some women do voluntarily (*gasp*) send naughty pictures of themselves to their boyfriends, for a multitude of reasons which I will not go into since most of them should be fairly obvious to you. I can't see said women being offended.

Any decent man would also be offended. If you are a man and not offended by that, it says something about you.

Er, what? Again, what exactly is offensive about a woman voluntarily sending a man she trusts pictures of her body and the man keeping them? I'd say a decent man would keep said pictures hidden from others, naturally, since revealing "naughty pictures" of anyone regardless of relationship status without their permission is in my world an indecent thing to do, but I see nothing wrong with simply possessing said pictures if they were freely and voluntarily given. Activities between two consenting adults, etc. You make it out like all instances of sharing images of your own body are somehow disgusting, which has yet to be demonstrated to me.

This discussion probably belongs in its own thread, though.

That isn’t the context of their ad nor of my protests. It doesn’t matter that the girl sent her naughty photos to her lover, which might indeed be perfectly fine and non-indicative of anything unusual between both of them.

Rather the ad:

#1: Objectifies women.

#2: Stereotypes men as sex-hungry dolts.

Think of it from the perspective of those who made the ad. What does it indicate that they think about us?

“So let’s categorize our target audience. Sex-hungry adolescent teens who treat women like sex objects.”

It isn’t wrong for couples to share some photos. It is wrong to portray that in any light that is less than intimate and meaningful. Putting her stickers on your PlayStation Portable where everyone on the trains can see them trivializes what should otherwise be an intimate and meaningful relationship.

Are you not offended that Sony thinks you can be driven to buy their product by sex? Sony thinks you have nothing else on your mind. Because we all know all men are completely focused on nothing but sex…


It feels dirty even to use their bathroom.

L. Spiro

I restore Nintendo 64 video-game OST’s into HD!

I think I'd need to see this particular ad to comment further. Have you a link handy?

I was not the only one completely offended by them.

They were signs and billboards around the UK, nothing to actually watch. But people tended to agree that they were definitely a new low and completely unnecessary.

L. Spiro

I restore Nintendo 64 video-game OST’s into HD!

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