As I have been developing my game WorldAlpha I have come to realize there is a lot to do to market my game effectively. Coming from a web marketing background, I have been mildly successful. That being said, I looked early, and continue to look to see if there are marketing firms out there that specialize in helping indie devs. Not a huge Marketing PR firm, but rather one that would help with the nuts and bolts of creating an effective website, using social media, finding beta testers, giving out beta keys, as well as creating buzz about the game. So, far I haven't really come across one. Here are my questions.
1.) Does this company exist? If so what is its website?
2.) Would you as a game developer use this type of service if one existed?
3.) Would you pay a decent amount for this kind of service? (Kind of subjective, but I'm getting a feel if indie devs would expect this type of stuff for "next-to" free or would be willing to pay a decent monthly for it!)
Look forward to the answers.