
Types of quests

Started by February 17, 2013 05:19 PM
54 comments, last by Norman Barrows 11 years, 9 months ago

- Defend the base: keep the base from being captured or destroyed for Y minutes.

failure if has(enemy,base) or ! exists(base). success if time_is(deadline).

- Escort quest: keep the npc from dying before they reach the end of their gauntlet


- Gauntlet: survive in extra-hard mode for Y minutes or until the end of a physical level.

success if at(player,end of level) or is_time(deadline). "extra hard mode" might be a modifier, or simply reflected by the difficulty level of opponents encountered.

- Timed test: accomplish a goal while avoiding running out of the Y minutes on your timer.

success if (condition), failure if is_time(deadline).

- Enforced avoidance: consume a potion or be the target of a spell that transforms you such that you are incapable of doing one of your normal actions for Y minutes; this can't be failed unless you die or unless it's combined with another goal you have to accomplish to reverse the transformation.

consume potion is a use action. not quite sure how "be target of spell or effect" would be classified. might be a new action: be guinea pig.

- Moral/factional avoidance: you can't gain advance with faction A if you have a black mark on your record from doing something related to faction B. You must clear your record or repudiate B to begin/resume advancing with A.

what you have to do to fix things would be the action here, i believe. I accidentally kill a mage's guild member while on a mission for the assasin's guild, thereby getting suspended from the mage's guild. now i have to find 20 dragon's tongue and 20 redwort flowers to be readmitted. a straight up has(player,20 redwort and 20 dragon's tongue) quest.

while looking over the types of quests, the following came to mind:

who = subject

what = action

when = timeframe
where = location
why = reason
how = method
the example you gave for moral/factional avoidance, and my counter example point out the fact that WHY really doesn't factor into the type of quest. its story line context to bring logic to the mission flow, IE to make WHY you're doing a quest make sense. but the motivation for undertaking a quest is a separate issue from the types of quests that can be undertaken, and a much more protracted can of worms. Once the types of quests are identified along with subjects, modifiers, conditions, etc, and the types of multi-part quest generators are identified, the next step is to figure out how to generate a storyline or mission orders for the generated quest. This is probably where the "why" would come into play. but from the standpoint of generating the quest itself, I would think the generator couldn't care less why the player has to do the quest, it just turns a crank and says "here you go, here's your quest!" it would probably require a higher level system such as the politics engine driving the campaign generators in my Star Trek flight simulator to provide the why.

- Avoidance of the "cheap" way - you must build Z without using any of a list of the easiest/cheapest resources, and only use their more expensive substitutes.

make action with modifiers. has(player,Z). modifiers: can't use A, can't use B, can't use C.

success: has(player,z) + failure: use(player,a) + failure: use(player,b) + failure: use(player,c)

- And as mentioned, complete a battle without using X ability, taking Y length of time, or taking Z damage

success: ! exist(badguys) + failure: use(player,X) + failure: time_is(deadline) + failure: has(player, Z amount of damage)

this stuff is starting to almost look like a little quest programming language!

a wargame i have in alpha right now has a built-in mission editor, including a conditions editor. filling in the conditions for a mission in it is sort of like writing a little program.

there are statements: success if ...

and syntax: success|failure condition+mods [AND]

when its time to check conditions, the code applies the checks listed, sort of like an emulator running a script.

just occurred to me that a time window is a compound condition. failure if before time t1 + failure if after time t2, IE:

failure: ! time_is(t1) AND "primary condition is true" + failure: time_is(t2)

"primary condition is true" could be most anything: has(player,item to be stolen), etc.

so a time window can be handled by two time_is() condition checks, one ANDed with the primary mission conditions (such as fedex 10 rat tails).

need to keep an eye out for compound stuff that appears to be single stuff at first glance.

Norm Barrows

Rockland Software Productions

"Building PC games since 1989"


ok, been digesting and sifting over this stuff now for over a day.

here's what i've done so far:

1. collated the lists
2. simplified/combined like terms
3. assigned checks to actions, leading to discovery of the requirement for a state_is(subject,state) check. more on that later.
4. ran test case for state_is(subject,state) for the various combos of subject and state, generating a list of possible quests that were not lame and made sense.
5. ran test case of using generated list in multi-part quest template. worked ok.
6. ran test case of creating a quest series at random from last quest to first quest, using generated list. worked ok, but almost all links between quests were of the form reward=location of next questor, due to test case chosen. the test case was a game where you can't get unique item A to activate unique item B to kill unique boss monster C, because there aren't unique items or monsters (yet).
7. listed types of prerequisites's for the generated list: one location, one location of object, all others: location of questor.
8. compared generated list to existing quests in the current and previous versions of the test case game. identified an additional 3 actions, 1 object type, and 1 state variable required to implement all quests in all versions of test case game using the new system. so the system seems to be able to handle all cases, assuming the game supports it.
9. ran test case for generating list of quests from actions and objects. worked ok, seems easier than by subject/state. almost all prereq's are still @questor location though.
10. listed prereq's for all combos of action/object. all but player goto are @location questor, as player goto location is the only quest in the test case that's not you doing something FOR some one. prereq for player goto location is: the location to goto.
11. determined that "special items/powers" are needed for "get A, to do B, to kill C" type quests. IE to get prereq's other than @questor location, such as "player has special item A".
12. determined that "using special item/ power" is a modifier that adds a "player has special item/power" prereq to a quest.
13. started analyzing modifiers. need a definition of "don't get caught", it might be assumed.
next post:
details on the new state_is(subject,state) condition check.

Norm Barrows

Rockland Software Productions

"Building PC games since 1989"



the state_is(subject,state) condition check:

while assigning checks to actions,it appeared that a new check was required for "execute combo" actions:

state_is(player,kicking) + state_is(player,spinning) + state_is(player,jumping) = did combo

or for a flight simulator:

state_is(last_maneuver,1/2 roll) + state_is(maneuver_before_last,1/2 loop) = Immelmann turn.

this new condition check "state_is(subject,state)" turned out to encompass all other checks:

1. at_location(who/what, where)
2. someone_has(who, what, how many)
3. exists(person/place/thing)
4. is_known(what, bywho)
5. time_expired(deadline)
is_known(what,by_who) = has(subject,object) where object=information
has(subject,object) = state_is(subject,in possession of object)
at_location(who/what, where)=state_is(subject,@location)
from my notes:
"ok, seems to have boiled down too far. we're left with the obvious conclusion that all condition checks are of the form:
which can encompass time clock past deadline, subject has object, subject at location, and subject exists."
skipping ahead a bit:
"so its looks like we can't look to the condition check type to generate our quest from, as all quests use nothing but various forms of the state_is(subject,state) check.
so we must look to the subject and state to draw up tables of types of quests.
for subjects we have persons, places, and things.
for states we have: some variable at, above, or below some value.
variables can include:
hit points (exists, is alive, is dead or destroyed)
other stats or skills, including relations
inventory (stuff you can carry)/ownership (stuff you can't)
is_prisoner (Boolean)
has_info (Boolean or perhaps some list of info known).
a state variable such as is_kicking (used for checking combos)
well that's very general and vague...
what to do with it?
to apply it to a game, you'd list the possible types of subjects ... and the [state] variables that make sense [to check]"
I then tried that on the game i'm working on. results were OK, but doing it based on actions and objects seemed easier. Doing it based on actions and objects also yielded a list of ALL types of quests that made sense for the game, as opposed to only those types that the game engine currently supported in the way of state variables.

Norm Barrows

Rockland Software Productions

"Building PC games since 1989"


so here are the lists i'm working with now...
1. players are expected to defend their party and it's posessions at all times, this includes quest items to be turnd over to a questor, prisoners, escortees, etc.
2. one must go to locations of quest events. killing Rufio implies going to Rufio's location (the Inn of Ill Omen).
1. attack/destroy
2. defend
3. transport
4. acquire
5. influence/convert
6. use/interact with
7. successfully execute (do something [combo/trick move])
8. be guinea pig.
9. unique actions germane to the specific title (in case we forgot anything)
"prevent(condition)" seemd to be the NOT case of other types of quests, so I removed it from the list of actions.
prevent(capture/destruction of target)=defend(target).
prevent(arrival,object,location)=acquire/destroy/convert(object) and/or destroy/acquire(capture)/convert messenger.
I added "unique title specific actions" just to be safe.
1. person/NPC/friendy unit or monster/badguy/hostile unit
2. item/ including special/unique quest items
3. information/orders
4. landmark, location, building (a fixed position).
5. combo/trick maneuver
6. stat/skill/exp/special power, etc
in general: a person, place, or thing.
1. don't get caught. need definition of "caught". don't get caught might be assumed.
2. don't be seen (covert vs overt action)
3. no killing (non-lethal only)
4. methods of aquisition: make, steal, take from dead opponnet, find, gather, buy, blackmail/coercion
5. Don't attack (Not even non-lethals are allowed)
6. time limit/window
7. using special item / power etc. usually the special item / power is one time use only.
1. state_is(subject,state) where subject is basically any variable in the game, and state is some value , range, limit, etc.
1. player knows location. transport(subject,location) where player is already in posession of subject. transport(player,location), a goto() quest, appears to be the most common type of quest with this prereq.
2. player at questor location. this is just about all quest types.
3. player has special quest item(s)/power(s). for "get A, to unlock B, to kill C" type quests.
So now i'm down to:
what's the definition of "don't get caught" and is it already implied in any quest that might use it?
Did I miss anything in the lists?
Did I take out anything that should have been left in?
Did I add anything that doesn't belong there?

Norm Barrows

Rockland Software Productions

"Building PC games since 1989"


I would think caught would be being seen while doing an action in a list of "suspicious" or "illegal" actions. Prerequisites might include faction membership or rank, race, class...? Are spawned resources items? They probably shouldn't be locations. How about plants, pets, mounts...?

How about a quest to play a minigame and pass a minimum number or levels or target score? Or solve a puzzle?

What if you're in the middle of a quest to deliver an object to an NPC and that NPC gets killed?

I want to help design a "sandpark" MMO. Optional interactive story with quests and deeply characterized NPCs, plus sandbox elements like player-craftable housing and lots of other crafting. If you are starting a design of this type, please PM me. I also love pet-breeding games.

8. be guinea pig.

consume potion is a 'use' action. not quite sure how "be target of spell or effect" would be classified. might be a new action: be guinea pig.

I think this one needs to be clarified a bit more.

"prevent(condition)" seemd to be the NOT case of other types of quests, so I removed it from the list of actions.
prevent(capture/destruction of target)=defend(target).
prevent(arrival,object,location)=acquire/destroy/convert(object) and/or destroy/acquire(capture)/convert messenger

Good insight!

1. don't get caught. need definition of "caught". don't get caught might be assumed.
2. don't be seen (covert vs overt action)

what's the definition of "don't get caught" and is it already implied in any quest that might use it?

The difference between 'don't be caught', is when assassinating someone or stealing something or ambushing a group, and it is permitted to be seen but not caught. Being seen immediately afterward is assumed, but victory is only when you successfully escape afterward, so the quest doesn't count as 'completed' until a successful escape.

But on thinking about it, it really is just two steps:
A) "Get/steal item" or "Kill person"
B) "Goto location" (implicit: Don't get killed)

So 'don't get caught' could be removed.

However, instead of 'Goto escape_point' to escape, a more flexible option would be 'leave ambush_point'. Or, 'Goto NOT ambush_point'. This way the player won't mess up the quest flow if they exited through some location other than what the designer expected.

Actually, the more the quest goals specify the desired outcome, and not the specific means of outcome, the more it seems the quest system would permit emergent solutions to quests.

For example, though 'kill' is a descriptive word to use, it really shouldn't be "<player> <kills> <target>", because the player might decide to set a trap and the trap might kill the target, or the player might agro a bear and lead the bear to the target and the bear gets the kill. For greater flexibility, "<target> <is> <dead>" is a more concrete quest goal - it's either true or false. Whereas "<player> <kills> <target>" can have three states: 'Target is still alive', 'player killed target', or the harder to detect 'something other than the player killed the target and now the quest is unable to be completed and unable to be failed'.

The more the quest goals query state, I think the more durable they are - but I'm not entirely sure.

If you go for a state-based system, then your 'actions' and 'modifyers' become merged together:
"<player> <steal> <item> <without killing anyone>"
"(<player> HAS <item>) AND (<player> HAS_NOT <killed_anyone_in_area>)"

This also resolves your guinea-pig action (which isn't really an 'action' and was hard to fit in).
It really is "<player> HAS <effect_applied>"

Quest actions and modifyers can be unified:
QUEST ACTIONS | States instead of Actions
1. attack/destroy => "target IS dead"
2. defend => "target IS alive" (when the quest status is queried)
3. transport => "player HAS item AND player AT location"
4. acquire => "player HAS item"
5. influence/convert => "target IS angry", "target IS afraid" (threaten success), "target IS friendly" (persuasion success), "target IS member_of_gamedev" (conversion success)
6. use/interact with => "object IS activated", "item IS used"
7. successfully execute (do something [combo/trick move]) => "player HAS executed_combo", "player HAS accomplished_impressive_feat_num27"
8. be guinea pig. => "player HAS effect"
9. unique actions germane to the specific title (in case we forgot anything) (as shown in the 'successfully execute' example - new things specific to certain titles fit into this system without new 'actions' needing to be added - merely new states, which are easier to add)

(<target> <operator> <state>) chain (<target> <operator> <state>)

chains = AND OR XOR

"player HAS_MORE_THAN(15) rose_petals"
"player HAS_BETWEEN(10,20) rose_petals"

MODIFIERS | States instead of Modifiers
1. don't get caught =>
2. don't be seen => "<goal> AND player IS_NOT seen"
3. no killing (non-lethal only) => "<goal> AND player IS_NOT seen"
4. methods of aquisition => "<goal> AND player HAS item AND player HAS_NOT stolen"
5. Don't attack => "<goal> AND player HAS_NOT attacked"
6. time limit/window => "<goal> AND player HAS_MORE_THAN(0) time_left" / "<goal> AND player IS_NOT out_of_time"
7. using special item / power etc. usually the special item / power is one time use only. "<goal> AND player HAS_NOT item"


I would think caught would be being seen while doing an action in a list of "suspicious" or "illegal" actions.

Yeah, since i didn't hear back from anyone on this question, I forged ahead with my own analysis. I came to the same conclusion:

"don't get caught" is a modifier for any quest action that "breaks the law".

Are spawned resources items? They probably shouldn't be locations. How about plants, pets, mounts...?

when i use Caveman as a test case during analysis, i treat resources as objects for acquire() actions, and places where resources are available as locations for atk/def() type actions.

How about a quest to play a minigame and pass a minimum number or levels or target score? Or solve a puzzle?

I'd call that one a use/interact with special item quest, where the mini-game or puzzle is the special item.

What if you're in the middle of a quest to deliver an object to an NPC and that NPC gets killed?

yes. for each type of quest, there will be certain circumstances that will prevent completion. these will probably be best handled as automatic failure conditions that will apply to all appropriate types of quests. example: failure if state_is(questor,dead) for all quests that have a questor who you must return to to get the reward. many games are poor at this, or don't trap all cases. some like Oblivion cheat, and make the questors indestructible - hence the dead questor problem goes away.

Norm Barrows

Rockland Software Productions

"Building PC games since 1989"


However, instead of 'Goto escape_point' to escape, a more flexible option would be 'leave ambush_point'. Or, 'Goto NOT ambush_point'. This way the player won't mess up the quest flow if they exited through some location other than what the designer expected.

the way to do it will be to define conditions in terms of final outcome, and required modifiers alone, and make no other assumptions about means used.

so a destroy (murder) quest with a "do not get caught" modifier might be expressed as:

success: target dead + player @ questor location. failure: player arrested. failure: questor dead.

this avoids the whole ambush thing, worrying only about the final results that matter, not how they come about. This avoids having to think of every possible case, and gives the player maximum leeway in completing quests. as long as the game supports getting arrested, no further work is required.

Actually, the more the quest goals specify the desired outcome, and not the specific means of outcome, the more it seems the quest system would permit emergent solutions to quests.


The more the quest goals query state, I think the more durable they are - but I'm not entirely sure.

I suspect that all quest conditions should test final states, not methods used. remember, "using specific method" is a modifier that creates its own condition checks in addition to those for the regular version of the quest with no modifiers.

kill rufio = state_is(rufio,dead)

kill rufio w/ blade of woe = state_is(player's current weapon,blade of woe) + state_is(player's current target,rufio) + state_is(player,hit target and did damage) + state_is(rufio,dead).

This also resolves your guinea-pig action (which isn't really an 'action' and was hard to fit in).
It really is "(player) HAS (effect applied)"

another insight!

state_is(player, effect applied) is the check. "be guinea pig" is the orders.

Quest actions and modifyers can be unified:

yes, each quest type and modifier will have specific types of checks associated with it, and add the same type of checks each time.

but i found that listing the possible types of quests for a given title was much easier based on actions and modifiers, than by considering all the possible checks that might make a logical non-lame quest.

Norm Barrows

Rockland Software Productions

"Building PC games since 1989"


ok, here's what i've done since my post of feb 21st:

1. figured out that "without getting caught" is a modifier for quests that "break the law".

2. listed the basic variables required to track a singe quest.

3. determined that orders, checks, and prerequisites are derived from action, object, and modifiers, and do not need to be specified.

4. defined some terminology: a series of quests is a campaign. a campaign is made up of stages. a stage is made up of one or more quests.

5. determined the basic types of stages: single quest (linear), split/merge (2 paths that meet again), loop (repeat on failure kinda stuff), split (branching story line), and multiple-simultaneous (get the 8 things in any order). did i miss any?

6. determined templates for each type of stage. example:

split/merge: success quest A -> next stage. failure quest A -> compete 1 or more stages to continue to next stage. this provides mission flow that splits then merges again.

7. determined campaigns should be generated from last to first, generating branches, loops, and split paths as needed.
8. determined basic variables required to track a campaign.
my biggest concern, is that except for campaigns like: "get A to open B to kill C", everything seems of be of the form: do quest A to get location of questor B. which can only be strung out so many times before appearing contrived. this leads to campaigns of the form: do X to get location of a guy, who knows a guy, who knows a guy, who knows a guy, who knows where the dragon is. doing quests for each guy along the way, til you finally learn where the dragon is, kill it, and get the treasure.

Norm Barrows

Rockland Software Productions

"Building PC games since 1989"


my biggest concern, is that except for campaigns like: "get A to open B to kill C", everything seems of be of the form: do quest A to get location of questor B. which can only be strung out so many times before appearing contrived. this leads to campaigns of the form: do X to get location of a guy, who knows a guy, who knows a guy, who knows a guy, who knows where the dragon is. doing quests for each guy along the way, til you finally learn where the dragon is, kill it, and get the treasure.

This is where you then learn to incorporate creativity to mix it up so that it does not seem to be so repetitive. For example:

You enter a tavern and listen to a man who tells a story of an adventure about some bloke who inadvertently picked up an orb of vision and proceeded to see a sleeping dragon on his mound of treasure, tracking this guy down you learn that he sold it to a passing merchant, who subsequently had sold it to a noble who had then dispatched the orb along with some of his knights to slay the fell beast and claim the treasure, but no word has been heard of them in quite some time...[queue dramatic music smile.png].

edit: The point being is that whilst you have atomised your quests down to a set of basics - the story variations upon those basics are only limited by your imagination.

edit: 36 Dramatic situations

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