
No Actual Game

Started by February 12, 2013 07:09 PM
2 comments, last by WavyVirus 11 years, 11 months ago

Evening All,

I think I've found my groove for now with the sort of things I want to make - little practice projects that demonstrate some physics and/or demonstrate a numerical technique. Also amusing my children for a few minutes is important.

Anyway my latest thing has physics (gravity) and implements a variable sized grid to show the gravitional potential (and looks quite pretty I think). Trouble is there's no actual gameplay, you just click on the grid and add a planet.

Any ideas? It is Javascript and you need FireFox or IE9+ because it uses the Canvas object.

Go to and go to the Games Links, it's at the bottom called Planets, Pot Noodle.

You're looking for ideas to help turn your app into a game? Is this correct?

I'm assuming you know your physics - Maybe you can turn it into an educational game/app of some sort.

Is there an upper range on gravitation? I can't seem to generate a proper singularity. Even from a dead start adding too many planets in one spot causes them to start flinging outward.

Anyway, how about a game where at the start there's an asteroid and an arrow on the side of the screen showing where a comet is going to come from. You have to place planets and choose their size/mass to try and make the comet strike the asteroid. Bonus points for getting the comet to do loops and tricks?
void hurrrrrrrr() {__asm sub [ebp+4],5;}

There are ten kinds of people in this world: those who understand binary and those who don't.
Khatharr's idea sounds interesting. I seem to remeber playing a flash game which worked in the opposite way - there were preset arrangements of planets, and the player had to set the initial velocity of an object such that it would slingshot around and eventually reach a target.

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