
What does the term "Blit" in SDL mean?

Started by January 27, 2013 03:04 PM
2 comments, last by EWClay 12 years, 1 month ago

Hello everyone...

For last couple of days, I've been following LazyFoo's SDL tutorials and then I came across this term "blit". I decided to check out SDL's documentation but I could not understand. I decided to just memorize this particular part from the tutorials. But as I progressed, it became a bit harder for me to understand the tutorials. From then onwards I've been itching to know what is "Blit"? :)

First result from google.

The simple answer is that it means 'draw'.

SDL_BlitSurface() means SDL_DrawTheSurface().

More specifically, it means copying a block of pixels from a source surface to a destination.

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