Have previously worked on a code base where the original programmer didn't like typing so everything is named using 3 letter abbreviations strung together.
Want to calculate the distance between two points? Call the ClcDstBtw2Pts method! Need to know the value of the taxable amount on account balance? It's in the txAmtAccBal variable. And that's not a typo, the 'a' in tax was felt to be superfluous.
What the—
I do sometimes use abbreviations, but only those that are pretty much well-known in programming anyway (like ptr for pointer or len for length). Otherwise I don't use abbreviations. I still aim for short names, though (just because you have a huge monitor doesn't mean you have to make function names longer, it eventually becomes too hard to read just because it's too long). I noticed that a lot of long function names involve either them being too overly descriptive (whatever happened to context?) or are functions that are doing multiple tasks at the same time (which usually means there's a problem in the design).
If your "long" function name is something like draw_level_background, that's probably OK - concise but makes very clear what it does. If your function name is something along the lines of this (and I've seen some APIs do that) then we have problems =P
Don't pay much attention to "the hedgehog" in my nick, it's just because "Sik" was already taken =/ By the way, Sik is pronounced like seek, not like sick.