So, hello all. I did not know if there was a proper introduction thread laying around some place or not if so I'm sorry, if not then I guess I got the right place :D
So a bit about me:
- I'm 21 years old.
- I have been interested in games since about 97 when I laid my hands on a PS1 however it was not with final fantasy sadly. However I do have a copy of FF-VII & VII laying around :D
- I only recently started working with android and it was mostly for apps to be of use to people. My dad and I raised a company out of it. The likes of which I will soon be forming my own company here soon with the soul dedication to bringing games to android.
Now with all of this being said I am not going to go into the typical "I'ma Boss this stuff!" and get two days in and give up..
I am however looking for a place to learn and grow as a game developer!
All things being said! - Nice to meet you all I looks forward to being an active member here!