Overall, a fantastic job!! A few (tiny) nitpicks just to really bring it to that next level:
*Around 00:48 - Could the scream be a bit louder? Not much but a bit more presence would help it be more disconcerting in my opinion.
*Around 00:50 - I wish the water sound increased more to allow for the water fall. You did such a good job creating atmosphere up to this point that not having that growth in water sounds broke the illusion for me.
*Around 1:19 - I'm not hearing any flame whoosh sounds here to compliment those cool visuals.
You've displayed some great attention to detail here which makes me wonder why other elements go completely untreated... at least from what I've heard.
There are some REALLY cool sounds here man! But what I feel the trailer lacks is a progression. Something to tie all of your sounds together. This is especially true because so much of the trailer is isolate, quick-hit visuals that I think an undercurrent of sound design (think of it almost like harmony backing up your melodies) and crescendoing to a specific point in the trailer would really help. Right now the pacing is - sound - silence - sound - silence (and so on). What's there is GREAT but now begin to polish it and push the production to create even more of a narrative.
I get that during the cuts to black you want silence and that makes sense but perhaps even some reverb tails linger over could help (in the later section). I've watched the trailer three times now and each time I pick something else up - that's really good. Please take my criticism with a grain of salt. It's just one guy's opinion.
Thanks for sharing!