

Started by October 17, 2001 05:22 AM
31 comments, last by goober 23 years, 4 months ago
I don''t know if this is an appropriate term for assembler programmers, but there you go. I am looking for all you assemblers out there who are into making games. If you use TASM 5 for x86 asembler programming, I want to hear from you! If you use some other assembler, I''ll forgive you if you talk to me. btw I don''t want posts telling me I shouldn''t try to make games in assembler, I am sick to DEATH of those messages! "Of all the things I''ve lost, I miss my mind the most." Goober
On my cloud where I belong...Goober
I wont tell you not to use assembler for making games
Just don''t use tasm

I''m working on a game using MSVC++ but right now about 70-80% of code is assembler.

I''m intrested in learning assembly too
How do i start??
Which assembler should i use??
Is there any syntex differences between assembler??

anyone any recomentation??
Start by finding the Art of Assembly tutorial, and then find the tutorial by adam hyde, and go to x86 assembler messageboard.
Use TASM, preferably v5, but v3 will do. Ignore people like kdrn who are just too simple to understand...
Yes. Usually minor differences, but annoying nevertheless.

"Of all the things I''ve lost, I miss my mind the most."
On my cloud where I belong...Goober
I agree with kdrn - don''t use TASM... my preferences are MASM or at a push, NASM.

Diont bother. TASM is the ultimate and only. How the hell you live with yourself allowing Microsoft to survive one moment longer by using its dreadful asm product(aka MASM)? NASM, although I have nothing against it, isn''t exasctly a professional assembler, is it?

To ANYONE (like ggsam) who is just starting:
Dont fall into the trap that jx and kdrn have! Borland are THE software development experts, and the sooner everyone bows down and admits that their products(including TASM) are better than everyone elses(especially Microsoft *twists his mouth in distaste*) the better.

"Of all the things I''ve lost, I miss my mind the most."
On my cloud where I belong...Goober
Thanks for the recomentation, goober.
Anybody into writting machine code. I had an idea to start converting assembling language opcode to there machine code counter part just for fun. I think it would be a great learning experience, but maybe that's too far fetch. But it was just an idea of mine to try and see if I could decompile .exe files.
I not a cracker, hacker or whatever I just want to learn how machine code works.

bringing sound to the masses

Edited by - Black Marq on October 17, 2001 1:13:05 PM
Original post by Black Marq
Anybody into writting machine code. I had an idea to start converting assembling language opcode to there machine code counter part just for fun. I think it would be a great learning experience, but maybe that''s too far fetch. But it was just an idea of mine to try and see if I could decompile .exe files.
I not a cracker, hacker or whatever I just want to learn how machine code works.

bringing sound to the masses

Edited by - Black Marq on October 17, 2001 1:13:05 PM

That''s not far fetched at all. It''s actually a fairly common project to do in assembly class in college. Also, anyone interested in assembler should get one of the Intel processor manuals. I basically learned ASM out of Intel''s 80186 processor manual. Best of all, if you write to Intel asking for one, they''ll probably send you one for free!
I feel a bit silly getting my own thread off topic!!!

If ANY beginner assemblers(Microcrap lovers or any others. MASM/TASM code can be converted. ) are interested in joining with me to just do some simple game stuff (ie make the basic engines, use some vesa graphics, etc), give me a post.

I still reckon TASM is teh way to go...

"Of all the things I''ve lost, I miss my mind the most."
On my cloud where I belong...Goober

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