I like my games fullscreen because I get distracted otherwise. But I am also apprehensive of tabbing out, because while many games handle it flawlessly with no delay (assuming I run the game at native resolution) and robustly, an equal amount of games just completely fail, outright crash or are impossible to bring back up requiring me to kill them, or even sometimes lose their fullscreen attribute, forcing me to open up the game's graphics settings are re-enable it (yes, Crysis!).
Yeah, so when it works well, then it is very immersive to play the game, I agree. I am a fan of immersive gameplay with the least distractions possible.
I have played a few with the ribbon menu hidden at the bottom until a cursor passes over it. The best is one that allowed various menus to be accessed by such a ribbon and even supported a user defined hotkey which can lock and unlock it either in view or hidden.
Is true full screen supportive of higher performance? How would it? Isn't it lower level programming by nature?