
[java] Not a question

Started by January 12, 2000 06:55 AM
1 comment, last by Niels 25 years, 1 month ago
I feel I should post something here, since this is what I do at the mo''.. I have no questions though, but a couple of Java-game related links you might find interresting: (go for JavaDemo links) (that''s me ) Sadly, none of them are really coder relevant though, so I for one welcome this new forum !... /NJ
The clevermoves idea is cool, but I'm not too interested in extended session games at the moment, but in the future I might
And I've checked out hexadome as of lately, and I am impressed with the quality of the graphics. (Is it a persistent world? Because at the time I played no one else was on, but I could see names of other 'players' on the map) Oh well.
Castrol Racing, by eyeone, is one of my favorite java games! People should check it out even though its been around for a while.

I also want to add Jump It has a cool little game called Jump, and another semi-cool game, Asphyx (short for asphyxiate I think).

Edited by - joeG on 1/12/00 9:10:48 AM
Yep, hexadome is persistent.

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