[quote name='Alan C' timestamp='1356370423' post='5013979']
If you do go with unity, code in C# as its a standardized language. If you decide to move onto other IDE you can use the code or what you learned of C# directly
I'd say code with whatever you want. There aren't a whole lot of differences between UnityScript and C#. Choose one, roll with it, and learn the other if you want it later. UnityScript can be a bit easier for new programmers, so I'd suggest it; it'll fix some stuff by itself instead of bugging you about it, and that can ease the frustration a bit for new programmers.
Also, I often see people saying that the language you use doesn't affect your game's performance, so don't fret about that when choosing your language.
[quote name='waylonflinn' timestamp='1356361406' post='5013948']
It encourages poor architecture.
I'd appreciate it if you'd elaborate on that a bit, as I'm kind of wondering what you mean by it, and other people might be in the future as well.
[quote name='jbadams' timestamp='1356345167' post='5013909']
UnityScript is very similar to JavaScript,
I'm not a JavaScript expert (or anywhere close to it), but from the little I know of using JavaScript, it seems like there are only a few syntax similarities between JavaScript and UnityScript (which is probably what you were referring to).
I'd just like to point out (to be clear to future readers) that using UnityScript with Unity will probably be a lot different than using JavaScript with web development. The only similarities you'll find would be typing "var" when declaring variables, and little things like that, which are syntax similarities.