
C or C++ I have lost my mind.

Started by January 12, 2000 01:25 AM
26 comments, last by LostSoul 25 years, 1 month ago
For that matter, not everyone is high on OO Languages and C++. There are tons of development shops that still deal exclusively in c. Still others profess to use c++, but place so many restrictions on its use that they are basically c houses with a few nice features added on top.

I would suspect that good programmers, well grounded in software design methodologies write good programs and that while languages may help or hinder this, they are not the backbone of it. No language makes up for poor engineering.

Hey, I want to only learn one language, I know C is C++ w/o the superset just like the other guy but there are still books that teach only the C++ way to do things and stuff..
And since I don''t have to go by the requirements of game companys (c/c++ and asm knowledge) I only want to focus on one language, plain C or C++ ? then if I get good at either one, I may learn the other or something..

Most people say out of preference, but since I have no past experience, I have no preference on which language to use. Which one would you suggest I use? some people say things like C++ code is cleaner, C is faster, C is more portable, C++ is better, blah blah..whatever..
Well, you''ll get into a circular loop and not reach a decision like this. But if you are going to just pick one, just pick C++. Why not?

You can write procedural programs with C++ btw. It''s not like Java where you have to have an OO approach.

The other side is what are your immediate objectives? what do you want out of the language? What kind of games do you want to develop. If you don''t know, then C++. If you do, there could be some consideration for C.
Lost soul I think I know what you are talking about.I started with C++ not to long ago it wasn''t to bad, but then got game programming for dummies which was pretty much C.Spent alot of time looking up stuff like printf.If you have the money I would get The Complete Reference C++ Third Edition it has a C subset in it.Just look in index and turn to the page.I wish I would have got it to begin with would have saved alot of time. And if you are new to C++ you will find you have only scratched the surface.
Original post by Potsticker

Well, you''ll get into a circular loop and not reach a decision like this. But if you are going to just pick one, just pick C++. Why not?

You can write procedural programs with C++ btw. It''s not like Java where you have to have an OO approach.

The other side is what are your immediate objectives? what do you want out of the language? What kind of games do you want to develop. If you don''t know, then C++. If you do, there could be some consideration for C.

Hi Potsticker, I want to make 2d games I know that, without the hassle of all these languages, so I can focus on one then choose to go onto the next, I''m just going to do this as a hobby like alot of people. I want the games to be fairly big, and have good graphics effects like stuff from photoshop, have quite a few different characters, guns and stuff, so maybe some platform games, 8 or more directional games..just games that I could maybe put on a webpage and that people may like to play in their spare time..

If you''re programming in Windows, there''s no reason not to learn C++ first. In UNIX/Linux learn C first. Quite frankly it all comes down to which language bindings for APIs, etc. are more appropriate and in the Windows world it''s all going towards C++.

But for all you, OOP freaks out there, it''s perfectly possible to program OOP in C, especially if you''re willing to give up the multiple inheritance.

But here''s a link from the man himself about C++ as a beginner''s language:

[offtopic] LISP is dead! Long live scheme! [/offtopic]
I learned C and used it for about 7 years before moving on to C++, and always felt my C habits were holding me back. Granted, it''s good to know some C tricks, and there''s the benefit of having a very good notion of what the compiler will do with every line of code (not so, I feel, with C++). All in all, I wish I had learned C++ first. My excuse is that there was no C++ standard when I started. =)
You should go ahead and start with C++. If you are going to be a windows programmer, learn the basic structure of the C language, pointers, functions, classes, structs, etc. When you start programming windows, you''ll notice that pretty much all of the IO functions including cin, cout, printf, scanf, and all the FILE stuff no longer works. I suggest that you learn the basics, and then get Visual C++. Use the online help and tutorials. You''ll be a master in a month or two. Try writing code that takes care of the windows overhead. I''m writing a library that simplifies Windows. Its pretty large.

Dominque Douglas
If you want to get a good book on OOP w/ c++ and want the basics in c get SAMS Teach yourself OOP w/ Wisual C++ 1.5 in 21 days, its not hard to learn the new keywords and it has a great c review in the back of the book that helps when reading c code.
What Im doing is learning C then C++.

I have bought C for dummies and C++ for dummies.

Then Im getting a Visual C++ book and learning from that.

I guess people have different ways of learning languages to me though.


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