
OpenGL and Win2k RC3 Problems

Started by January 11, 2000 10:58 PM
4 comments, last by OberonZ 25 years, 1 month ago
Hello everyone, I was wondering if anyone has encountered problems writing OpenGL apps under Win2K. When I tried, NOTHING rendered! It looked like a double buffering problem (where I may have forgot to switch the buffers) but it wasn't. I was going crazy until I tried to run my program on a Win98 machine and 'Lo and behold' it was working properly. I seem to have the libraries and DLLs (I shouldn't compile and run otherwise). Anyone else has seen or run into this problem? I really want to work on the Win2K system... it is much nicer. Thanks, -OberonZ Edited by - OberonZ on 1/11/00 11:00:42 PM
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If I remember correctly, Win2k doesn''t have any real OpenGL support built into it, and isn''t planned to ship with any. Hardware vendors have to add that in with their own drivers. You might check and see if SGI''s old OpenGL drivers work, I can''t remember where to find them off the top of my head, but they may give you something to work with.


There was a rumour spreading for a while that Win2k would ship without OpenGL support. This is not the case - MS has stated (recently) that Win2k will ship with OpenGL. Driver support may be a little patchy initially - some companies drivers SUCK, to put it mildly. I have Win2000 beta 3 and RC2 (on different machines), and OpenGL works just fine on both of them - Quake III runs with great frame rates.
Umm.. I ran all my OpenGL files that I made with Visual C++ on Win2K and there wasn't a problem. In fact it ran smoother than it did on Win98 on my comp.

It could be because I called the Visual C++ straight from the Win98 drive instead of installing everything again though. But I don't see how that can affect an EXE file that is made...

By the way, I was coding a simple OpenGL app half way on Win 98 when I switched to Win2K. I continued from the source code made on Win 98 and it worked fine. So, it shouldn't be a problem of coding either...

Edited by - Someone on 1/12/00 11:21:59 PM
It depends totally on your video drivers. The TNT/TNT2 drivers floating around had a bad version of the OpenGL DLL part of the driver. It also has a ton to do with the version. In RC3, you can actually copy the OpenGL DLL from the NT4 driver into the Win2K\system32 folder and solve your problems.

If that doesn''t help, you need to give more info.

-BlueNexus--This is my sig. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
If you have a TNT/TNT2/GeForce then you can find nVidia''s official Win2k drivers on their site somewhere. They support DX7 (hardware) and OpenGL.

Good luck

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