
Hresult in a string

Started by January 11, 2000 03:54 PM
6 comments, last by Brad8383 25 years, 1 month ago
Is there a way I can get the name of the hresult in a string? im afraid im going to have to do a huge switch to test for all the possible codes.
Yep, you have to do exactly that... or you can printf("0x%x", hresult) and look ''em up by hand in the DX header files.

Mason McCuskey
Spin Studios - home of Quaternion, 2000 GDC Indie Games Fest Finalist!
Founder, Cuttlefish Industries
The Cuttlefish Engine lets anyone develop great games for iPad, iPhone, Android, WP7, the web, and more!
If you look in the sample source, under D3DRM, in the RMEnum folder there''s a file called rmerror.c/h. There''s alot of the DD errors already defined, might save you some time. If anyone knows of a better resource (more complete with like the other possible error codes listed) please let me know.


Someone posted this a while ago. I think it covers all the DirectDraw codes, for DX6 I assume. Anyway, someone might find it useful:

struct ERROR_STRUCT DDErrorList[] = {

Hmm... I had a feeling I had the ones for DirectSound and Direct3D too, but cant find them now. If anyone needs them post here and I''ll have another look. You''ll have to write your own ERROR_STRUCT to use them with.


In my error handler Im also going to need the line and file name info. In msvc ,which im using, I think if you pass --LINE-- into the function it will be the line number. Not sure though, and Is there one for the filename it came from?
btw thanks a lot for that list. its extremely helpful.
__LINE__ is a macro to get the line number, and __FILE__ is a macro to get the filename, they can both be used as strings. You can also use the macros:
__DATE__: the date
__TIMESTAMP__: the last modification date of the current file, and
__STDC__: tells whether or not the file is being compiled with full ANSI compatibility.

"And I write and I write and I don't believe it's gonna change today"
- From Yellow Ledbetter by Pearl Jam
There''s also a function with D3DX called D3DXGetErrorString that will print out Win32, DX6, and D3DX error messages.


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