- Target Audiences: Oftentimes you find a game that seems too childish or too difficult or involved for you, so you quit and and don't regard that game as a good one. This is a false acquisition because you may have not fitted well into the target audience. Some games appeal to very wide audiences, but that doesn't necessarily mean it is a better game than another.
- In the Moment: This is an interesting factor easily seen while listening to music. Sometimes a song, artist or even genre only appeals to you while you are in the right mood. If you aren't in that mood it is extremely annoying and you have to listen something different or nothing at all even. Games are much the same way. Sometimes retro/arcade games are only played for nostalgic reasons, not necessarily because the game was particularly well designed or entertaining.
- Some things cannot be compared: This is like comparing a RTS to a FPS: they are fundamentally different, and generally share completely different pacing and mechanics. Same with comparing a techno song to a classical song-they are too different.
- Human Error: The human being is such an immensely complex being--the only one you can come close to understanding is yourself. Things like a person's childhood or family background can greatly influence their opinions of a certain experience, making it impossible to judge whether or not another person would appreciate the experience the same.
So, how do we know which games are worth playing and which are best left alone? I think there is one determining factor that can be considered: Quality. This includes the quality of presentation, the quality of technological design, and the quality of the game design (as in the balance of mechanics, challenge, flow, the synergy of the entire game, etc.). Quality is what separates the twelve-year-old home developers from large 200 person teams or learned indie teams.
Even quality isn't perfect for judging two games. Just because a roguelike has poor aesthetic appeal doesn't mean it's worse than Skyrim.
What do you guys think of this theory?