I'm sorry i keep coming back to this subject, but i have some issues wich i help you can give me an answer.
I have this EvalFunction :
[source lang="java"] public int evaluateBoard(int sign) // -1 = "computer" and +1 = "human"
int total = 0;
int computer_closedmills = this.checkMills(-1); // count how many closed mills AI has (3 tokens in a row/column).
int computer_openmills = this.checkFormers(-1); // count how many 2 in a row/column tokens AI has.
int computer_blockers = this.checkBlockers(-1); // count if one AI token -> blocks 2 player's tokens
int computer_tokensleft = this.checkTokens(-1); // count how many tokens AI has.
int computer_openspaces = this.checkOpenSpaces(-1); // count how many move possibilities AI has (in current board)
int player_closedmills = this.checkMills(1); // count how many mills "human" has
int player_openmills = this.checkFormers(1); // count how many 2 in a row/column "human" has.
int player_blockers = this.checkBlockers(1); // etc.
int player_tokensleft = this.checkTokens(1);
int player_openspaces = this.checkOpenSpaces(1);
// compute total score
total -= ((computer_closedmills * 20)+ (computer_openmills * 40) + (computer_blockers * 30) + (computer_tokensleft * 10) + (computer_openspaces*5));
total += ((player_closedmills * 20) + (player_openmills * 40) + (player_blockers * 30) + (player_tokensleft * 10) + (player_openspaces*5));
if(sign==-1) return total;
else return -total;
Ok, now i have
this situation as you can see below represented in this
Picture :
Note that red tokens represent "computer".
Instead of moving token 22 to position 19 (wich will form a new mill) , my evalFunction() makes another decision
and moves something let's say like token 21 to position 9 , or 18 to position 10.
Can you help me improve my eval function so that token 22 moves to 19 ?
so that mill 21-22-23 breaks and token 22 forms a new mill on 18-19-20)
thanks !