
Amazing photorealistic graphic

Started by October 07, 2012 03:23 PM
1 comment, last by MrOMGWTF 12 years, 1 month ago

It looks amazing. Does anybody know which game engine, project is it? Also we can discuss about techniques used in this project (lighting, shaders, effects etc.)/

Does anybody know which game engine
Rockstars own game engine. I assume an upgraded version of RAGE (Rockstar-Advanced-Game-Engine) which was used in GTA4 and red dead redemption.

Theres nothing at all to suggest this is really GTA5 and not something else. The minimap is the same style as GTA4's and thats it.
HDR lighting, big environment, nice shadows, reflections on the car, baked global illumination, really realistic motion blur, I don't know?

Oh, and mostly, awesome artists' work. Nice models and textures.

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