The parent class has these properties:
float m_mass;
vec3 m_position;
vec3 m_linearMomentum;
vec3 m_angularMomentum;
mat3x3 m_orientation;
mat3x3 m_inertiaTensor;
mat3x3 m_inverseInertiaTensor;
vec3 m_force;
vec3 m_torque;
and the important functions are as follows:
void RigidBody::Update(float dt)
m_linearMomentum += m_force * dt;
m_position += m_linearMomentum/m_mass * dt;
//angular update
m_angularMomentum += m_torque * dt;
mat3x3 R(m_orientation);
mat3x3 RT = glm::transpose(R);
mat3x3 I = R * m_inverseInertiaTensor * RT;
vec3 angularVelocity = I._inverse() * m_angularMomentum;
float angle = sqrt(glm::dot(angularVelocity,angularVelocity)) * dt;
R = (mat3x3)glm::rotate(glm::mat4x4(R),angle,glm::normalize(angularVelocity));
m_orientation = R;
//takes a force and a contact point relative in local space,
//so if the force is gravity it should act on the center of mass (0,0,0) for these
//simple simulations
void RigidBody::ApplyForce(vec3& force,vec3& contactPoint)
//force is dP/dt
m_force += force;
//torque is force * distance to r so...
m_torque += glm::cross(contactPoint-m_position,force);
//use a numeric threshold - if the new values of force and/or
//torque are under the threshold in any direction set that direction's
//total to 0.0f
float threshold = 0.0001f;
for(int direction = 0; direction < 3; direction++)
if(m_force[direction] < threshold) m_force[direction] = 0.0f;
if(m_torque[direction] < threshold) m_torque[direction] = 0.0f;
I'm 100% sure that the above code is the culprit, but I am not sure what exactly I'm doing wrong.
The derived class are so simple I'll just post their constructors:
CubeRigidBody(float mass,vec3& position,mat3x3& orientation,vec3& dimensions):m_Dimensions(dimensions),
m_inertiaTensor = (glm::boxInertia3(mass,dimensions));
m_inverseInertiaTensor = m_inertiaTensor._inverse();
SphereRigidBody(float mass,vec3& position,mat3x3& orientation,float radius):
RigidBody(mass,position,orientation), m_Radius(radius)
m_inertiaTensor = (glm::sphereInertia3(mass,radius));
m_inverseInertiaTensor = m_inertiaTensor._inverse();
Anyway, when I apply a force to a cube in a test, when getting the orientation matrix after an update many elements of the matrix are NANs or -NANs, so I can't render using the orientation matrix. Position update seems ok though.
Any ideas? Thanks in advance, and I'll be back.