
Yiynova in Europe?

Started by September 20, 2012 08:20 PM
0 comments, last by Mark dreamer of worlds 12 years, 5 months ago
I am a student in search of a cheap (around or lower than 500€) Wacom Cintiq alternative.
I have found the Yiynova 10.1 HD on amazon, but unfortunately it doesn't ship to Europe.

My second option would be the Hanvon Sentip 1201WD, but that one comes around 800€. Still cheaper than the cintiq tough.
The thing is I can't find anywhere a webstore where you can buy one. I am studying game design (concept and modeling, level building) and such a tool would come handy in manny way's.

Anyone who lives in Europe and has managed to purchase one? By prefer the Yiynova 10.1 HD.
No one?

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