
Guide to bad game design

Started by September 20, 2012 12:13 PM
59 comments, last by DaveTroyer 12 years, 2 months ago
Here's a few random ideas, some alluded to above:

  • Show the player a cool thing, but make sure they never get to interact with it or use it.
  • Inconsistent difficulty: Brutally hard one second, idiotically easy the next.
  • Six thousand items, only 2 of which are useful at every stage of the game.
  • Uber Uber-Item- once you get it, why use anything else?
  • Time's up- You get an extremely fun and exciting item/ability, for 30 seconds and one hallway before the game ends.
  • Alternatives that aren't alternatives: items "balanced" to the point that they are functionally identical. Gun A and Gun B have different damage per round and different rates of fire, but those equal out perfectly in every conceivable scenario (and they are exactly as accurate).
  • Linear advancement. Sword A is better than Sword B in every single way which is better than Sword C in every single way. Expect they're more expensive, and available in the next town.
  • Half-assed genre mash up. You thought you were playing an FPS? Well this level is truly a treat as 90% of it involves making precarious jumps from platform to platform hanging over an abyss.
  • Real in all the wrong ways. Make inventory management and haggling excrutiatingly time consuming, force the player to stop and eat every so often, wounds heal in a matter of weeks.

-Mark the Artist

Digital Art and Technical Design
Developer Journal

  • make a really annoying third person camera that you have to adjust all the time using the keyboard so you can even see what you're doing.
  • make a really complicated control scheme that breaks every convention.
  • give the player tons of awesome items that he can't use or sell because nobody in the game has money.
  • show a really long cut scene before each boss fight which you can't skip, so you have to watch it every time you retry.

Just look at all of Acclaim's games.

Every single aspect of them was HORRIBLE.

Horrible, uneven graphics.
Horrible motion captured animations.
Horrible sound. It was always all over the place, and either too low, or blowing out your speakers.
Horrible collision detection.
Horrible AI.
The save systems were so clunky they looked like they were pasted out of the tutorial section of their platform SDKs.

The took bad ideas, spent all the budget on a license, and then rushed a clunky, half baked, idea out in 6 months.

But in general these days, it's any game that focuses on non interactive content instead of interactive content.

I remember some from watching AVGN:

1. Make the player's character long and difficult to maneuver. All obstacles kill and send you back to the beginning of the level.
2. Make the key to open next level to appear randomly and in random places, but only after an obscure event has been triggered (like touching an unmarked tree, three times).
3. Give the life bar 10 hit points, but even the weakest enemy will take 9 HP from the player.
4. Take a violent game and transform it into a Bible game!! (blood, weapons and enemies are exchanged for something nice) Don't forget to include questionaries at the end of each level.
5. Instead of creating a story related to the game's title, insert objects barely related. For example, if you want to make a game based on Back to the Future, make it a casual game about collecting clocks; for Star Wars the same casual game about collecting stars and guns.

Just watch the series, there are tons of ideas :)

6. In a platformer, press "up" to jump.
7. If your character can only attack straight ahead, put all the enemies above and below him. The reverse works, too.
8. Getting hit by an enemy knocks you back, and usually into a pit where you die and go back to the beginning because you're a pansy.
9. It's best if you never explain or even hint at what to do or where to go.
10. Immediately at the beginning of the game's first level and with absolutely no heads-up, put a death-dealing obstacle.
11. No continues, no saves, and really long passwords that take forever to input.
12. Every area should look the same, with no proper sense of direction whatsoever.
13. If your character is supposedly the most powerful man on the planet, the man of steel, who can leap tall buildings with a single bound, then make almost the entire game about flying through rings.
Give the player a funny and powerful weapon at the beginning, but never ever give him a chance to refill its ammo, so that the player hauled the weapon through the whole game wasting inventory space (i.e. crossbow in shooter).
Also, make the game unwinnable under some circumstances. Oh, you need this to enter the last door and beat the game? Well, let's just take that from you then.
Give the player a powerful super weapon right at the start of the game, but you have to collect all 10 pieces of ammo in the game to be able to use it. Put 1 piece of ammo in a super ultra secret hidden area that is impossible to find.

13. If your character is supposedly the most powerful man on the planet, the man of steel, who can leap tall buildings with a single bound, then make almost the entire game about flying through rings.

Hahahah, yes, basically design a tutorial stage that's so long the player will certainly fail when he gets sleepy. This tutorial screen must re-appear after every mission to make clear the player isn't as smart or dexterous as the hero.

Recalled some more:

14. The player can obtain a skate that he can't use because obstacles are unavoidable.
15. Design a flying game inside a maze, and use the same solid color on walls, so he can't distinguish how far he is or his orientation.
16. Make enemies constantly respawn so the player will finally flee from all battles due to lack of ammo.

Give the player a powerful super weapon right at the start of the game, but you have to collect all 10 pieces of ammo in the game to be able to use it. Put 1 piece of ammo in a super ultra secret hidden area that is impossible to find.

Or the other side of this one, as FFXII did: you can only obtain the super powered weapon later in the game if you DIDN'T open certain chests (that were not marked or identified in any way) earlier in the game.
Good news, everyone! I have a signature now!

Make sure the game has to have graphics out of microsoft paint and does have an error with the error screen.

What a perfect game idea, I should make it.

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