Dimension: 2D
Genre: Action Platformer MOBA
Theme: Japanese Fighting (Not Anime)
Platforms: PC and Mac
Heroes: (Thinking about adding leveling system and separate paths per Hero).
Level 1 – 9: Sumo – Tank Class but Slow Movement
LvL 10 - 19> Sumo: Guard –
LvL 20 - 29> Sumo: Belligerent –
Level 1 – 9: Kyudo – Archer/ Long Range
LvL 10 - 19> Kyudo: Iris –
LvL 20 = 29> Kyudo: Abet –
Level 1 –9: Ninja – Light-footed Assault
20> Ninja: Shadow –
30> Ninja: Vigor -
Level 1 – 9: Monk – Healer/ Spell Caster
20> Monk: Zen –
30> Monk: Crane –
Level 1 – 9: Samurai – High Damage but Slow Attacks
20> Samurai: Vanguard –
30> Samurai: Defender –
Basic Hero Abilities:
(A) = Attacks
(T) = Team Based Ability
(M) = Maneuver (Movement x2 = Attack)
Movement: Jump, Roll, and Jog
Jump: “W”
Roll: “S”
Jog: “Shift + “A” or “D”
(A) Pummel: Throw fists at enemy.
(A) (M) Knockdown Roll: Jog + Roll facing an enemy.
(A) Body Slam: Must use when in air. (3 sec delay)
Movement Combos:
Roll + Jump = High Jump
Jog + Roll = Knockdown Roll
(T) Swap: Switch places with a teammate who is taking damage and receive damage. 30s Delay.
Movement: Crouch, Run, and Dive.
Dive: “W”
Crouch: “S”
Run: Shift + “A” or “D”
(A) Shoot: Shoot arrows at enemies.
(A) (M) Bird: Run + Dive to glide over enemy getting 2 arrows to shoot before landing.
(A) Focus Fire: Shoot a barrage of 3 enchanted arrows (3 sec delay)
Movement Combos:
Crouch + Run = Snake (dash through enemies with little recognition)
Run + Dive = Bird
(T) Boost Arrow: Shoot a buff arrow at teammates to help them out. 30s Delay.
Movement: Double Jump, Run, Meditate (Crouched Position)
Double Jump: “W”
Sit: “S”
Run: Shift + “A” or “D”
(A) Cobra: Throw bladed shurikens at enemies.
(A) (M) Viper: Meditate + Double Jump to stun enemies inactive for 2 seconds + damage.
(A) Flying Mamba: Jump on enemy to release a viscous attack on them.
Movement Combos:
Meditate + Run = Double Jump + Flip (Lasts until damaged by foes)
Meditate + Double Jump = Viper
(T) Extreme Meditation: Meditates for 5s to increase critical hit chances by 25%. 30s Delay.
Movement: Glide, Shuffle, and Vanish (Disappears until hit by opponent, glides, or uses ability)
Shuffle: “W”
Vanish: “S”
Glide: Shift + “A” or “D”
(A) Overcast: Sends dark spirit to deteriorate opponents.
(A) (M) Specter: Vanish + Shuffle around enemy to create an electric current wherever you passed harming enemies in the range of the current.
(A) Impel: Targets aerial enemies to send a force downward slamming them to the ground.
Movement Combos:
Glide + Shuffle = Double Shuffle
Vanish + Shuffle = Specter
(T) Cure: sends healing spirit to those in need. 30s Delay
Movement: Jog, Catapult, and Coil (Becomes small and shielded by armor)
Catapult: “W”
Coil: “S”
Jog: Shift + “A” or “D”
(A) Swipe: Swipes Katana with a determined and smooth flourish
(A) (M) Helix Fury: Coil + Catapult launches Samurai into the air damaging enemies in it’s radius.
(A) Sun Bash: Raises katana to strike enemies above.
Movement Combos:
Jog + Catapult = Fast Catapult
Coil + Catapult = Helix Fury
(T) Shroud: creates shield among a certain radius in which enemies can’t enter. Lasts for 10 secs. 30s Delay.
We need help from you! 
Since this is a MOBA, we need help thinking of a unique objective of the game! Don't make it too absurd but make sure you think outside the box.
Example of not thinking outside the box: "1 Tower at each base and the objective is to destroy the enemy tower".
Notice: We will recognize the people who suggest ideas we actually use in this game! Your name will be put in a special thanks area in the credits!
[color=#ff8c00]Have any other ideas? Please explain them in a post below!
Current Special Thanks: (In order of ideas)
(None at the moment!)
Current Team Members: (In order of joining)
1. Chris: Team Management, Game Design, Recruitment
2. Antonio: 2D Character Animation
3. Oscar Celestini: Character Design and Concept Artist
4. Steve: Sound Effects (SFX)
5. Rob: Musical Composition
6. Michael: Programmer (Pending Decision) (Waiting to see if we're dedicated)
7. With Programmer ---> Concept Artist x2 w/ Game Designer.
(Disclaimer: Not a recruitment thread).