The cats could each have unique abilities as well (like the different ghost AI in pac-man)
Not sure about this. I will have to balance every ability to be exactly as powerful as the others (Because a speed boost is going to be better than placing wards in most cases, so you will cringe your teeth when you get the "ward-placing" cat because you're at a disadvantage. I don't want that, do I? )
I want each cat to have an equal chance of capturing pacman: giving cat-specific skill would introduce a great amount of luck into the game (for getting the right cat)
I'm not sure either which item to give the cats. Should I give a random item, or let the cat choose their next item? Should I give out items depending on the situation of the cat? (Like a dash when close, but separated by a wall, a ward when far away, etc)
This would keep the cats from just turtling around the cheese and power pellets
I should mention that each time a half of the maze is eaten, a fruit appears. When it is eaten, the cheeses of this half will reappear.
When all pellets are eaten, there will be 2 fruits and 2 power pellets to defend, so the cats are outnumbered anyway
(If I implement my idea of powerpellets appearing when the mouse is hidden, it would discourage turtling, because the cats would not want additionnal powerpellets to appear)
as the mouse gathers more cheese he relies more on power pellets more since he gets fatter and slower
I currently have a mechanic like that, but the opposite. For each 1000 points the mouse gains, the cats get faster and they have more vision, which will make it more difficult for the mouse.
I like this project, do you have art assets already?
I am currently drawing all the art by myself.
I'd like to get rid of the Pacman theme someday (although I haven't thought of a replacement theme yet) and additionnal artists would be nice
(I'm not a very talented artist, so I usually keep the art at a basic level)
If anyone is interested in participating in this project, feel free to pm me, we'll see what needs to be done.