I just recently (in the last few days) decided to make a youtube channel. I uploaded a few short pieces I did yesterday and today. I would love it if you dropped by for a look at them and it would be great if you could give me some advice or feedback! Constructive criticism is welcome. I know the pieces are quite short but they are meant to be just a small 'taste' of what I can do. The pieces are composed in the context of movies and games. It would also help if you could suggest what kind of game the individual pieces would suit.
If you could suggest any names for the pieces and if you have any tips on my mastering of the tracks thanks as well

Every few days I'll be adding a new piece, so feel free to check the channel every now and then

Here's the link:
The one I think is the best is A Scenery Piece so check out that one first

I hope you enjoy my pieces
Caleb Faith