I could follow everything in the paper/thesis, so I thought that's a piece of cake.
But after several days of trying it still doens't work right. The problem I have is in the pressure term.
All the particles are pulled down because of the gravity, and this works correct.
So then I added collisions with the wall and those were working correct too.
Then I tried to add pressure and it doesn't work. The pressure term is supposed to push the particles away from each other.
Like in this video : [media]
In here the particles create several layers, but with my code I get only one layer.
It's as if the particles don't push each other away. So I tried to increase the density and the gas stiffness term.
But both didn't work.
This is what I got:
I'm a bit clueless as what to do now, because this is my first time simulating a fluid.
I really wanted to make a SPH simulation to eventually do star formation simulations.
Math is no problem for me as I am a 3rd year bachelor in physics and astrophysics.
I've programmed it in c++ ( I started in python but it was really slow ).
void Simulation::timestep( ){
//Calculating density field
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < particles.size(); i++ ){
for( unsigned int j = 0; j < particles.size(); j++ ){
float W6 = W_pol6( particles[ i ].position - particles[ j ].position, h );
particles.density += particles[ j ].mass * W6;
//Finding the maximum density to render a density map
if( particles.density > density_max )
density_max = particles.density;
particles.pressure = k*( particles.density - density );
std::vector<Plane> planes = container.get_planes();
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < particles.size(); i++ ){
//Adding internal forces
float density_i = particles.density;
for( unsigned int j = (i+1); j < particles.size(); j++ ){
if( j != i ){
//Adding pressure
// P = pi/ri^2 + pj/rj^2
float P = particles.pressure / ( density_i * density_i );
P += particles[j].pressure / ( particles[j].density * particles[j].density );
Vector2 gradW = grad_W_spike( particles.position - particles[j].position, h );
Vector2 force_pressure = -gradW*P;
particles.add_force( force_pressure*particles[j].mass*particles.density );
particles[j].add_force( -force_pressure*particles.mass*particles[j].density );
//Integrating with leapfrog
particles[ i ].last_velocity = particles[ i ].velocity;
particles[ i ].velocity += ( particles.force / particles.density + gravity ) * dt;
particles[ i ].position += ( particles.velocity ) * dt;
//Collision With Walls
//Collision response by projection
for( unsigned int j = 0; j < planes.size(); j++ ){
if( particles.velocity.dot( planes[j].normal ) < 0 ){
float distance = particles.position.dot( planes[j].normal ) + planes[j].distance;
if( distance - radius < -threshold ){
particles.velocity -= planes[j].normal * planes[j].normal.dot( particles.velocity ) * ( 1.0 + epsilon );
particles.position -= ( planes[j].normal * ( distance - radius ) )*(2.0 );