Either you suffer from delusional disorder or you are just a troll.
I don't know if english is your primary language but from what you have written several times on this forum in different threads you give away a very strong "me against the world" mentality. Everyone else is dumb, irresponsible, should just listen to your advice since you seem to know it all better.
Also you seem to down-vote every single post that disagrees with your views. Really? Is that what you call a discussion?
The fact that your reputation has almost reached negative 200 should also give you a hint that maybe, just maybe, you are the one at fault.
i downvote if you say something offensive to me..
not that points really matter in my eyes.. they have zero meaning to me but i just cant resist pressing the buttons lol
and i dont have any "me against the world" mentality.. and i dont think everyone else is dumb.
i think many don't really "get it" when it comes to game design but that doesn't make them dumb..
if I didn't think i could learn things from others then I wouldnt make threads asking for other peoples opinions and views..
but then they think im close-minded when I argue against their replies... but its other way around like i explained in the previous post.
open-minded people argue to find out what is better.
then theres ofcourse some thing that cant be argued about.. when it comes to ying and yang.
as in different genres of games etc.