There were these RPGs with 90 degree rotation several decades ago, very rarely nowadays I stumble upon these made by indie devs.
To specify what I mean:
- it's a western RPG (Dungeon Master, Eye of the Beholder, Champions of Krynn), not jRPG (Final Fantasy, Chrono Trigger)
- it's not remake of an old game (like Dungeon Master JAVA), but a unique RPG made nowadays that look and feel like the old ones
- it's a proper commercial game
I know about two such games, one is "Legend of Grimrock", which is very recent and quite famous, one is some older styled into Wizardry I, IIRC, it was on a site called "classic-something", but can't find it anymore. And that's it, I know of any other

- if you were interested in such games, how would you approach finding these (as a player)?
- which keywords (words you enter into search engine) would be good for such game (if you were to make such game which keywords would bring you most consumers/players/sales)?
- do you know of any such games (name and/or website)?
- is there, by any chance, any forum/website for fans of such games?