
Old school RPGs made nowadays (PC)?

Started by September 02, 2012 09:37 AM
8 comments, last by domhnall4h 12 years, 5 months ago
This question is partially marketing and partially where to find these.

There were these RPGs with 90 degree rotation several decades ago, very rarely nowadays I stumble upon these made by indie devs.

To specify what I mean:
- it's a western RPG (Dungeon Master, Eye of the Beholder, Champions of Krynn), not jRPG (Final Fantasy, Chrono Trigger)
- it's not remake of an old game (like Dungeon Master JAVA), but a unique RPG made nowadays that look and feel like the old ones
- it's a proper commercial game

I know about two such games, one is "Legend of Grimrock", which is very recent and quite famous, one is some older styled into Wizardry I, IIRC, it was on a site called "classic-something", but can't find it anymore. And that's it, I know of any other :)

- if you were interested in such games, how would you approach finding these (as a player)?
- which keywords (words you enter into search engine) would be good for such game (if you were to make such game which keywords would bring you most consumers/players/sales)?
- do you know of any such games (name and/or website)?
- is there, by any chance, any forum/website for fans of such games?

Stellar Monarch (4X, turn based, released): GDN forum topic - Twitter - Facebook - YouTube

Hmmm, no one being able to answer is an answer in itself :) Seems like that genre is really, really niche...

OK, let's try rumours and opinions and your own feelings about these then :) What you think about this in general? Would you play such a game? Or anything else, even remotely related to the topic?

Stellar Monarch (4X, turn based, released): GDN forum topic - Twitter - Facebook - YouTube

Well, I'm developing an RPG construction kit on top of Unity3D. While I love the game mechanics used in Fallout 3 and Skyrim, I'm looking for new ways to enhance the gameplay, like an alterative to the quest/monster storyline and a progressive change of the character's look according to his actions. Thanks to the community here I defined my ideas and found new and interesting aspects that should be added. Another goal is to improve the mini-games, like lock-picking, card trading, etc., and to develop an economy system that allows loans.

Devil Whisky is another, although a bit older, first person dungeon crawler designed largely around the original Bard's Tale games.

- if you were interested in such games, how would you approach finding these (as a player)?[/quote]
I am a member of RPGWatch, which generally focuses on PC cRPGs. So that is my first and foremost source for new game information.

- which keywords (words you enter into search engine) would be good for such game (if you were to make such game which keywords would bring you most consumers/players/sales)?[/quote]
I actually haven't done a google search as such, but I would enter in 'Wizardry clone' or something of the sort, maybe even type out fully "First Person CRPG" or "Dungeon Crawlers".

- do you know of any such games (name and/or website)?[/quote]
Devil Whiskey, though it is quite old now. IIRC, but that site may be gone. The original company folded years ago, largely due to thir own treatment of their customers (bad move in such a niche market), and someone else bought the rights out. But I don't know if it's still being sold or not.

There's the newer Legend of Grimrock, which I got off of

- is there, by any chance, any forum/website for fans of such games?[/quote]
Again, I recommend
Hey all, The Grid is a unique web text-based game with a lot of RPG elements you might enjoy. It plays right in your web browser window or on your mobile device with nothing to install. It's great fun and has you capturing squares, summoning wizards and ghosts, using creditcards and gold, wreaking havoc, attacking other players, and many more commands!

Amusingly enough, I saw a kickstarter has begun for another first person dungeon crawl, Arakion or somesuch, listed in the Indie RPG subforum at the Watch. Ignore Grimoire, it will never come out.
The type of RPGs I think you are looking for:
Any game by Jeff Vogel (Avadon: The Black Fortress

[sup][Steam link][/sup] is nice - the only one I've played so far)
Also, "Mornings Wrath" (by Ethereal Darkness Interactive)

The EDI websites have been defunct for a few years now* (sad, Raymond Jacobs was a member here at, however Impulse still has Morning's Wrath for sale.

*[size=2]Well, 'under remodeling' for a few years, but apparently the developer is still actively working on his next games... He really shouldn't have taken down the product pages for his old games though until he had a ready replacement - all the broken links and no way to purchase through his site. It's been like that for at least 18 months. [size=1]rolleyes.gif

[Edit:] Oh, 90 degree rotation. Thought you meant 45 degree rotated isometric.

IMHO the success of "Legend of Grimrock" would inspire many copycats to be made.

IMHO the success of "Legend of Grimrock" would inspire many copycats to be made.

"copycat" is rather negative in my view. I'm sure there are lots of people who have been working on similar games. I know I have been working on an old school style RPG for awhile now, and while seeing the likes of Grimrock and Minecraft take off so well does encourage me to keep working on things, it doesn't make me want to copy what Grimrock is.
Old Username: Talroth
If your signature on a web forum takes up more space than your average post, then you are doing things wrong.
Considering that LoG is itself basically a "copycat" to use your terms Legendre , of Eye of the Beholder, Dungeon Hack, Dungeon Master, Ultima Underworld, and so many other dungeon crawls from all the way back into the 1970's (when the first of the first person crawls were made, on the old PLATO mainframe system) and into the 1990's, I'd imagine that there is a rather large number of adults nowadays who started and even grew up on these style games and wish to recapture some of that feel. That's why I and others started Devil Whiskey, back in the day, though when I was a part of that it was Bard's Legacy or something like that, that had to be changed. Basically same style, and released in 2004 I think.

This included me for awhile, on my own project. I dropped that because I couldn't really do what I wanted without going 3D, which I don't want to for mostly nostalgic reasons than technical.

Fact is, these style games have been around as long as the 'top down' style used in so many others, and even as long as the text-based games practically.

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