To Bacterius:
I did not realize I have to draw them like this. I figured, since it involves reflecting from a circular wall, I went from there. Comparing my drawings with yours, my normalized N vector is too long. The minus sign on the V vector also confuses me. Why would a dot product of (-V) and (N) be on the N vector, instead of towards the dark green arrow (the R vector)? So, I drew differently.
[size=2]The humilation...
My own diagram is far from perfect too, and is not to scale either (having all the vectors the same size just ends up looking awkward in this case, so I didn't mind an extra-long normal vector). It is true that you could have used the positive dot product, which will have required you to subtract V instead of adding it, and then ultimately negate everything to get the R vector in the right direction, which should - hopefully - give the same result. This version just seemed more straightforward to me.
There is no need to be embarrassed, we all make mistakes every now and then