Again, people think I'm looking for a pat on the back. People are completely missing the point that I don't even care what the other person thinks about the project. I'd ignore someone saying how much they like the topic just as much as someone that contributes little but saying how much they don't. The main point is, it doesn't help the situation, no matter which way they go with it. This is why I'm inclined to believe people think I'm being a crybaby. I'm not looking for bad criticism, but I'm also not looking for _good_ criticism. I never asked for any of it, and it is unwarranted. I'm trying to get a job done, and looking for the next step. Criticizing my technique takes me nowhere, whether it is good or bad.
Remember that when you ask for constructive criticism.
I never asked for criticism. That's the point I'm trying to make. I'm asking for answers, and solutions to problems that have already been solved. This is why it gets on my nerves, and this is why I make a post like this. I didn't ask anyone for what they thought about it, I asked for facts and advice on completing the project. Even when I ask to not hear about what they think about it, they still throw their two cents in at about every chance, and they let it get in the way of actually providing an answer. They get side-tracked. The best responses I've gotten are people that never ask about what my motives are, unless I made a thread asking how to best accomplish a task. They are succinct, and they provide information on what methods there are to do it, or why it can't be done. Usually the people that offer criticism against my wishes are people that _don't_ know a thing about what I need, and they contribute whatever comes to the top of their head. A good question is "Do you have access to math.h?" or "Are you more concerned with speed or memory efficiency?" A bad question is "How is this useful?" or "What purpose would this serve?" I already stated what I am doing, and most of how, because the rest I don't know. Whether or not it is useful does not effect how the task would be implemented; whether or not it is useful would affect whether or not the task is implemented, and it is useful, and it is being implemented. The question is irrelevant.
@ApochPiQ Not you, too. You're one of the mods I respect the most, and if people only see this as inciting drama, then I'm wasting my time. I'm here to try to convince people not to throw their opinions around when it isn't asked for, because it is usually in a hurtful fashion, and people that regularly give their opinion don't seem to see it.