
DDW and Builder 3

Started by January 11, 2000 06:49 AM
-1 comments, last by serafin 25 years, 1 month ago
Hi there, I''m new to DX, and lately I have been trying to learn this by doing some simple stuffs. I''m using DX6 and Borland Builder 3 (don''t like MSVC for some reason). I managed to set up the surface and even draw a line. the only problem is that when I do a black screen fill using my line algorithm, the line I drew seems to be draw on top of my dialog box. So for example my dialog box or window is originally blue. when I ran my routine, instead of replacing the screen with pure black, the program puts a kind of black shade on top of the screen, so now my dialog box is still there (shouldn''t it be distroyed?) but it''s just turn to a bit darker. I know there is no problem with the line routine, cause I copied from a book. I tried with 8bbp and 16bbp both ended up same. then I tried to load a bitmap, so I copied some routine from an example somewhre. But the routine just wouldn''t work! this shouldn''t be Builder''s problem because I''ve managed to compile Borland''s original DDW examples fine.. I''m really puzzles, can someone please help!! Thanks a lot Serafin

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