
Oculus Rift: Kickstarter

Started by August 02, 2012 06:20 AM
37 comments, last by Hodgman 12 years, 5 months ago
I think they are encroaching on people who actually need funding.
I didn't realise that Kickstarter had a limited amount of space?
Regarding the display resolution.
They say they are using a 1920x800 display. That makes 960x800 per eye.
I've been thinking about the effective pixel size that one would perceive. Because the image appears like a HUGE screen in front of you, wouldn't that mean the graphics will be blocky as hell? Or would our brain somehow combine all the extra information (depth) and make it seem like a very detailed image.

If I put my head very close to my monitor so it spans my entire field of view I can see all the seperate pixels. I'm wondering if there would be a similar effect with the oculus.

A similar thought: Would it be possible to somehow render a 2d view where the image is offset a pixel for each eye so the combined effective resolution is the full 1920x800?
The kickstarter page says 1280x800 (640x800 per eye) for the dev-kit, and "higher than that" for the final consumer version. Yeah, it's going to be interesting to see how blocky that looks up close. If I put my head close enough to my desktop monitor so that it almost fills my entire field of vision, it is definitely a problem.
A similar thought: Would it be possible to somehow render a 2d view where the image is offset a pixel for each eye so the combined effective resolution is the full 1920x800?
Interesting idea, I wonder what that would do for your brain's acceptance of stereo vision.
Then again, I guess in regular stereoscopic vision, each eye does always see a slightly different image and your brain patches up the differences.

The kickstarter page says 1280x800 (640x800 per eye) for the dev-kit

Oh snap! I need to read more carefully. biggrin.png

Doesn't matter. I can only imagine what cool stuff I will be doing with this thing.
I had a thought last night about how this will work -- Your vision is broken into 3 zones:\ B /
A\ /C
Only the left eye can see zone A, both eyes see zone B (the stereo zone), and only the right eye can see zone C.

Regular stereoscopic monitors/screens are usually at such a distance that they appear entirely in zone B, so when you render the left-eye/right-eye images, they're almost the same, with only a small offset/rotation differing between them.

However, if this thing is supposed to almost fill your entire visual field, then it would be wasteful for the left-eye image to render anything in zone C and for the right-eye image to render anything in zone A. Ideally, the left-eye screen would be positioned (via a lens) to fill A+B, and the right-eye screen would be positioned to fill B+C. If this was the case, then a certain percent of your pixels would be overlapping, but the rest would be unique to each eye, which would increase the apparent resolution much past 640 pixels...

I wonder if this is the case, or whether the device will only fill zone B? Or whether it will wastefully fill A+B+C for both eyes?

For those interested in VR head mounted displays, you might want to check this out -- a new company, backed by industry names like John Carmack, is selling prototype dev-kit versions of a VR HMD for $300 on kickstarter.


I'm a complete sucker for good crowd-funded projects, and I love my TrackIR5 + triple-monitor gaming, so I've jumped straight on the bandwagon. Looking forward to adding Oculus Rift support to my engine in ~December ;)


My friends and I jumped on this the morning the Oculus came available...and there were already hundreds before us tongue.png

Still, we can't wait until December to get started, so we set up a community to talk about Oculus development and brainstorm what we're building. We're getting some great discussion going, and have engaged at least one guy who helped Palmer Luckey get started back in '09. Come check it out!

CLANG is a much better choice if you are going to support an indie kickstarter http://www.kickstart...260688528/clang

After watching their video, all I can say is that type of "revolution" is precisely what I was hoping for to come out of the PS3 Move controller.

Too bad it hasn't really happened yet. :(
While I think this is a cool idea, wouldn't playing an FPS with this really mess up your neck?

Looking around a virtual environment is one thing, aiming is another,
if you think programming is like sex, you probably haven't done much of either.-------------- - capn_midnight
While I think this is a cool idea, wouldn't playing an FPS with this really mess up your neck?
Looking around a virtual environment is one thing, aiming is another,
I already play some FPS games with a head-tracker (shown in the first post). Usually the head-tracking only affects your view, and doesn't control aiming at all (the mouse still aims as usual). e.g. If I turn my head right, the crosshair is now on the left side of the screen.
Check out the video linked in the first post - when it's disabled, the 1st person gun model stays in the the centre of the screen (except when sprinting, it disappears), and when enabled, it moves around the screen as the view is rotated. Make sure you've got annotations turned on so you can see the enabled/disabled box up the top left.
Shame Oculus Rift kickstarter ends before christmas. Who cares about about PCs and Games consoles when you can program games for something like this.
Would be even cooler if it tracked arm movements. I guess it wouldn't be to hard to build a metal sleeve that can give analog output based on bends of the arm. Just a bunch of variable resistors connected each connection of the bones.
How are they meant to do movement with this thing. I guess it comes with a controller or something?

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