

Started by July 28, 2012 03:25 PM
7 comments, last by homer_3 12 years, 5 months ago
So here I am looking for puzzles. I want your creative puzzle ideas. There is no restriction on puzzle type but it must be a puzzle that you can see implementable into a game. I am interested in why you came up with the puzzle, how you think the puzzle would lend itself to a game and most importantly how your puzzle would fold into a game without breaking immersion. I would prefer not to have puzzle links to other people's ideas (I have probably read them already :P). I don't want puzzles from old games though homages to particularly good puzzles Are okay. What I want are the fruits of your own imagination. As an example here is a puzzle of my own.

You have entered a large room and crossed about 1/3rd into it.
Shriekers pop up all around you and begin screaming
The screams create sound walls – effectively creating a maze
Moments after the maze is created a monster appears in the maze
The monster always takes the shortest route available to get to you
The monster cannot go through a sound wall
The player must escape the maze before the monster catches up to him
The player can go through a sound wall but becomes disoriented in doing so, losing a few seconds in dizziness.

As you can see I am not simply limiting the idea of puzzles to something static and inanimate. Any type of puzzle situation is acceptable. Be creative. Good luck :)
Well I know you've said you didn't want to see other people's ideas, but, last year, when attempting to make a D&D original quest, I've been looking specifically for inspiration to create 'traps' which are essentially puzzles with a threat.
I was amazed when I fell on this.
Believe it or not, I've read them all :) While the title says 1001, there's actually over 2000 (disregard the guy saying 3001 though...)

I like traps because they generally don't give you much time to think once you're in. Problem solving under pressure is pretty neat.
When I think about puzzles, I can't help but think about them in terms of categories drawn from puzzles I've already seen. A maze is a maze is a maze, unless you are doing something other than just running through it, whether under time pressure or not.

My favorite kind of puzzles tend to be the ones that involve sliding, rotating, and flipping toggles to move several objects to target locations, especially when taking an action in one place can mess up what you've done in another place. I also like ones like the classic: you have a water source, and you want to put 4 units of water into a target container, but you only have a measuring container of size 5 and one of size 3, what do you do?

I want to help design a "sandpark" MMO. Optional interactive story with quests and deeply characterized NPCs, plus sandbox elements like player-craftable housing and lots of other crafting. If you are starting a design of this type, please PM me. I also love pet-breeding games.

I also like ones like the classic: you have a water source, and you want to put 4 units of water into a target container, but you only have a measuring container of size 5 and one of size 3, what do you do?

Fill the three empty it into the five. Fill the three use it to fill the five. Pour the remaining one out into the target. Fill the three add it to the target = 4 :)

[quote name='sunandshadow' timestamp='1343522936' post='4964158']
I also like ones like the classic: you have a water source, and you want to put 4 units of water into a target container, but you only have a measuring container of size 5 and one of size 3, what do you do?

Fill the three empty it into the five. Fill the three use it to fill the five. Pour the remaining one out into the target. Fill the three add it to the target = 4 smile.png

my solution is loop-friendly:

fill the 5, use it to fill the 3, use the rest to fill the 4, repeat. biggrin.png

(EDIT: forgot the smile rolleyes.gif)

I also like ones like the classic: you have a water source, and you want to put 4 units of water into a target container, but you only have a measuring container of size 5 and one of size 3, what do you do?

What is most effective about a puzzle like this though -- Is that there is more than one way to achieve the objective. Puzzles that can have several right answers but still maintain enough complexity to be challenging is in of itself a great analogy for a good level design.

I still want puzzles smile.png
What is it that you'd like, would you like puzzle ideas for a game with puzzles, or for a Puzzlegame, or is it a brainstorm thread?

The best puzzle games I enjoyed had a simple mechanic the gamer could play with, but it changed puzzles completely.
Portal is a good example, with the portal gun, you can introduce basic puzzle elements like buttons, doors etc. but the portal gun changed completely the way you solve such button puzzles.

I think you can make a great puzzle game with the ability to teleport. But you can only teleport where you can see or at least have seen.
Project: Project
Setting fire to these damn cows one entry at a time!

What is it that you'd like, would you like puzzle ideas for a game with puzzles, or for a Puzzlegame, or is it a brainstorm thread?

All of the above.

I think you can make a great puzzle game with the ability to teleport. But you can only teleport where you can see or at least have seen.

Okay so you have a gist of an idea in this -- now make into a puzzle - it doesn't matter whether it is as a game or a simple minigame puzzle.

All of the above.

In that case, I came up with an idea for a puzzle game last week. But it has 1 key flaw in the design that I can't figure out how to fix. The general game is build off Tetris Attack. The player starts with a board of hex tiles. The board has 1 hex tile in the center and 3 rings of hex tiles around the center tile making a filled circle of hex tiles. Each tile can be 1 of 6 "colors". At a periodic, decreasing time interval, the outer ring shatters. If the player is ever left with just the center tile, he loses. The player can match 3 or more of any color to pause the shatter timer for a short period of time and the matched tiles will be destroyed. If the player matches 4 or more, new hex tiles will form around the outer ring, basically giving the player an additional ring. Up to 3 additional rings can be added to the starting 3 for a board maximum of 6 rings. The game is also intended to be mulitplayer. Matches of 4 or more will also dump garbage tiles on your opponent. Garbage tiles will cause the shatter tile to count down faster. Garbage tiles can be destroyed by matching 3 or more of a color adjacent to a garbage block.

The problem with the idea is that I'd like gravity to be sourced from the center tile. This would end up creating ambiguity of which tile would fill the hole left by a destroyed matched tile. So setting up combos would be heavily luck based. Sure, you could have everything fall straight down, but then the rings would feel out of place and then the whole thing just starts to revert back to an exact clone of Tetris Attack.

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