
Help debugging AStar please

Started by June 30, 2012 05:39 AM
3 comments, last by kujel 12 years, 7 months ago
I've got an implimentation for AStar and it works for the most part but when the path gets really close to the target point it starts to cirlce for a bit before actually settling on the target. I've looked my code over for a while but I can't seem to see where the problem is. Any help spotting my problem would be awesome thanks.

Here is my source code:
[source lang="csharp"]//MapGraph is a 2D array of booleans, false denotes impassable and true passable

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;

namespace WindowsGameLibrary1
public class AeeStar
class PathNode
int x, y, moves, dist;
PathNode parent;
public PathNode(int x, int y, int moves, int dist, PathNode parent = null)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.moves = moves;
this.dist = dist;
this.parent = parent;
public int X
get { return x; }
set { x = value; }
public int Y
get { return y; }
set { y = value; }
public int Moves
get { return moves; }
set { moves = value; }
public int Dist
get { return dist; }
set { dist = value; }
public int finalCost()
return moves + dist;
public PathNode Parent
get { return parent; }
set { parent = value; }
int x1, y1, x2, y2, scale;
MapGraph mg;
PriorityQueue<PathNode> open;
List<PathNode> closed;
List<VectorInt> path;
PathNode current, up, left, right, down;
bool exists;
int max;
public AeeStar(MapGraph mg, int scale = 60, int max = 1000)
{ = mg;
this.scale = scale;
this.max = max;
open = new PriorityQueue<PathNode>();
closed = new List<PathNode>();
public int calcDist(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
return DistanceCalculator.calcDistance(new Vector2(x1, y1), new Vector2(x2, y2));
public void setUp()
if (current.Y-1 > 0)
if (mg.getCell(current.X, current.Y - 1) == false)
up = null;
up = new PathNode(current.X, current.Y - 1, current.Moves + 1, calcDist(current.X, current.Y - 1, x2, y2), current);
public void setLeft()
if (current.X-1 > 0)
if (mg.getCell(current.X - 1, current.Y) == false)
left = null;
left = new PathNode(current.X - 1, current.Y, current.Moves + 1, calcDist(current.X - 1, current.Y, x2, y2), current);
public void setRight()
if (current.X+1 < mg.Size.X - 1)
if (mg.getCell(current.X + 1, current.Y) == false)
right = null;
right = new PathNode(current.X + 1, current.Y, current.Moves + 1, calcDist(current.X + 1, current.Y, x2, y2), current);
public void setDown()
if (current.Y+1 < mg.Size.Y - 1)
if (mg.getCell(current.X, current.Y + 1) == false)
down = null;
down = new PathNode(current.X, current.Y + 1, current.Moves + 1, calcDist(current.X, current.Y + 1, x2, y2), current);
public List<VectorInt> findPath(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
this.x1 = x1/scale;
this.y1 = y1/scale;
this.x2 = x2/scale;
this.y2 = y2/scale;
exists = false;
open.enqueue((new PathNode(x1 / scale, y1 / scale, 0, calcDist(x1 / scale, y1 / scale, x2 / scale, y2 / scale))), calcDist(x1 / scale, y1 / scale, x2 / scale, y2 / scale));
int searches = 0;
while (open.Count > 0 && searches < max)
current = open.dequeue();
if (up != null)
open.enqueue(up, up.finalCost());
if (left != null)
open.enqueue(left, left.finalCost());
if (right != null)
open.enqueue(right, right.finalCost());
if (down != null)
open.enqueue(down, down.finalCost());
for (int i = 0; i < closed.Count; i++)
if (closed.X == current.X && closed.Y == current.Y && closed.finalCost() > current.finalCost())
closed = current;
exists = true;
if (!exists)
if (current.X == x2 && current.Y == y2)
//path = new List<VectorInt>();
return path;
public void createPath()
path = new List<VectorInt>();
while (current.Moves != 0)
path.Add(new VectorInt(current.X*scale, current.Y*scale));
current = current.Parent;
Question #1: Have you traced and stepped through your own code?

Dave Mark - President and Lead Designer of Intrinsic Algorithm LLC
Professional consultant on game AI, mathematical modeling, simulation modeling
Co-founder and 10 year advisor of the GDC AI Summit
Author of the book, Behavioral Mathematics for Game AI
Blogs I write:
IA News - What's happening at IA | IA on AI - AI news and notes | Post-Play'em - Observations on AI of games I play

"Reducing the world to mathematical equations!"

Yeah but I couldn't see the problem still. I set break points at the exit conditions as well as when creating new nodes. I wish I could just log the data and comb through it after a run through. Normally I don't ask others to help me spot bugs but I've been told AStar is a tricky bugger to debug.
There was a thread on this topic posted almost exactly the same time as yours! Here was my reply:

[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif]

[background=rgb(250, 251, 252)]Assuming you're doing this for learning purposes, and not reusing an existing piece of code... My best advice is to write some unit tests incrementally and check all your assumptions. I've found that unit tests provide amazing support for learning new algorithms, languages, and writing new code in general :-)[/background]


[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif]

[background=rgb(250, 251, 252)]I realize you wanted someone to debug your program but well... ;-) [/background]


Join us in Vienna for the Conference 2015, on July 20-22... Don't miss it!

I can give that a try, at least there is no harm in it.

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