
How to know when you become an Elite Programmer

Started by June 11, 2012 06:40 PM
3 comments, last by a_insomniac 12 years, 3 months ago
For those of you just starting out, and or having already developed the wrong attitudes and habits - this is a good read and should help to demystify what most of the veterans, lone wolves, and midnight-oil-burners around here are not ...hopefully :)

Anyway, all you new guys and gals out there, enjoy the quick read - you might walk away with something to think about. Cheers.


I'm an ethyl programmer *burf
I must be a real elite programmer... mellow.png
While reading these, I kept hearing that "Damn It Feels Good To Be A Gangsta" song from Office Space in my head.

Except these lyrics didn't rhyme.
Weird...reading over it I cringed at a few of them because I thought along those lines so many years ago blink.png ... glad I can laugh at myself today though.


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