
A Smartphone that fits in my pocket?

Started by June 11, 2012 06:10 PM
5 comments, last by _mark_ 12 years, 3 months ago
Does anyone know of an "powerful" Android smartphone that actually fits in the pocket and can be used with only one-hand? The best Android phones are, in my opinion, mini-tablets, that's why I like the iPhone...

I'm looking for an Android phone with high-specs the size of an iPhone but I can't find one... I don't want (nor need) a gigantic screen, so phones like HTC One X, Samsung Galaxy III, and every other high-end Android phone are way to big.

The trend seems to be bigger screens, I'm hoping iPhone 5 won't follow...wacko.png
I use the Droid Bionic personally, very happy with it. Although from the sound of it, it's too big for your taste, so... dunno :-)

Wielder of the Sacred Wands
[Work - ArenaNet] [Epoch Language] [Scribblings]

I have an HTC legend and it's pretty small, It's pretty great looking too. The biggest problem I have is that it's not as powerful as most, so some apps cause my phone to drag. I think something in HTC's firmware involves a memory leak because after 2 weeks or so I have to restart it because it gets so slow. Otherwise it's pretty snazzy.
How big is your pocket?

I'm comfortable with a Galaxy S2, but then again, being 6'3" I have big pockets. :-)
I have my Samsung Galaxy S1, not too big but it fits me pockets.

However, I'm not too fond of it.
I love my Droid Razr to death but it's got a large screen. How large are your pockets? The trend does seem to be on bigger screens these days so your choices may be a bit limited.

My phone fits in my pocket just fine, but my jeans almost always have fairly deep pockets so it's a non-issue for me.
My 4.65" Galaxy Nexus fits fine in my pocket, and can be used one handed. I've seen an S3, and at 4.8" it isn't as bigger as you might think just by going by screen sizes. Note that these phones are still thin (in the sense of width), and the extra size comes from height (e.g., the 4.8" S3 is only 4mm wider than the 4.3" S2), so the on-screen keyboard in portrait mode isn't going to be that much bigger, so still fine for one-handed typing.

Can I ask if you've used these devices? If yes, fair enough, but if not, I'd recommend you give them a try. The fact that phones are very thin means they are less noticeable in a pocket. (And even if you think you don't need one, you may quickly find yourself getting used to the big screen - now my much loved previous Nokia 5800 looks like a tiny feature phone, as does any Apple phone.)

If you want a smaller Android device, then there's the Samsung S2 at 4.3" (not as high end as the latest S3, but still damn good high end specs). There's also the Sony Xperia S at 4.3". And the Droid Bionic that [color=#284b72]ApochPiQ mentions is also 4.3".

The best Android phones are, in my opinion, mini-tablets
Well as an aside, all smartphones are mini-tablets - there seems to be a recent confusion of using "tablet" to mean something big, but historically a tablet has simply been a handheld/mobile device that wasn't categorised as a phone; small tablets have simply become rarer in recent years, because manufacturers realised that you might as well make any small tablet also into a phone. If we decide it's simpler to still count phones as tablets, then that goes for small as well as big. - Erebus, Open Source RPG for Windows/Linux/Android - Conquests, Open Source Civ-like Game for Windows/Linux

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