
simple but important opengl question.

Started by January 10, 2000 01:23 PM
3 comments, last by Azrael 25 years, 1 month ago
I tried compiling one of the nehe tutorial, in my machine using the windows opengl library that comes with visual studio 5 and the result was sloow, about 3 fps, it was a lot slower than the win98 screensavers. Im using glut32, opengl32 I have 3dfxfl.dll in the windows dir, im compiling with msvc 5.00 My machine is a pentium 233 32 megs in ram with a banshee 3dfx card on it, (I saw the web page, and suposedly I have the full ICD ) please help! I really want to start using opengl but I simply CANT work at that speed!
Is Banshee Voodoo3( I don''t know much about 3dfx names)? Unless its voodoo3 it has a full OpenGL support now but It''s not an ICD. That means it doesn''t tie into the Microsoft Opengl32.dll and uses a different .dll that most professional stuff makes an exception for.

Somewhere on gamedev is an article with headers that will figure this out for you. I''m not sure where though.
-the logistical one-
Well, I think it actually is voodoo 2, not voodoo 3, however as I said, there is full compatibility acording to creative labs.
Thanks for the answer anyway, ill check if I can find the info in gamedev.
I already checked, but found nothing, is there anyone out there using the same system I do?
AFAIK Voodoo''s before the 3rd edition do not have full OpenGL ICD. So your windir/System/OpenGL32.dll is Microsoft''s software one.
You could try to backup OpenGL32 and rename 3dfxGL.dll to OpenGL32 but I''m not sure it will do because 3dfxGL is only a partial ICD.
Otherwise, try to catch 3dfxVGL.dll for your video card (with for example) and rename it to OpenGL32, it should be a more or less full ICD.

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