
Diablo 3 representing the future of Anti- piracy?

Started by May 28, 2012 05:35 AM
52 comments, last by way2lazy2care 12 years, 8 months ago
Call me cynical, but the AH isn't even finished yet, and its stability is spotty at best. If there's some sophicticated backend system that can dynamically factor the AH into drop rates, it's either broken, disabled, or has been cut because their live team is spending all their time just keeping the AH and login servers from keeling over...
The AH is part of the game. The game is designed to force you to trade on the auction house to progress on the higher difficulties. Allot of people (like myself) love it! It ads a nice extra dimension to the game. Also... you dont need to shell out actual cash. Ever.... You can if you want to but no one is forcing you. Im progressing through inferno just fine by selling the rares/legendaries I pick up and buying the ones I need from the AH and Im having fun doing so. The only grinding I had to do was a couple of hours in Hell before I went to inferno. Compared to my total playtime that was nothing and I even had fun doing so with the nephelam valor buff that you get after hitting level 60 and seeing the rares drop everywere!

Now the thing about the Diablo 3 forums are... People like me who are fully enjoying the game and all aspects thereof simply are not posting on the forums. We much prefer spending our time hacking at stuff ingame. The forums are full of annoyed people because thats the only people that go to the forums in the first place.

I understand that some peope dont like the AH aspect of the game but thats just that. It is in the game and alot of people love it.
To settle the issue, this is from today's chat with the developers:

[quote name='JayPWilson']I'm sorry, I don't remember saying that and if I did then I was drunk and/or wrong. We tuned and balanced the game without the auction house, as there weren't enough people internally using it to test it against gameplay, so we didn't design anything for it.

No, it's broken. D2 had the trading game, where if you wanted to you could swap for items. But it wasn't forced down your throat, like the AH in D3 is. Diablo has always been a Skinner box. Only, D3 is a Skinner box with a broken lever. The D3 forums are rife with threads by people who hit a gear wall, at which point their only recourse is to go to the AH. Blizzard admits this is by design. At no point in D2 were you ever forced to trade or (even more hilarious) open your wallet and shell out actual cash (my God, have we really come to this in Diablo?) to continue to progress and beat the game.

The AH isn't forced down your throat. You can still trade with people in your game, and the AH is there if you need it. As far as I'm concerned, the AH is a much better alternative to trading locally and farming, both of which are still totally viable options.

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