
Demographic Research: How to do it?

Started by April 17, 2012 11:35 AM
1 comment, last by Ronnie Mado Solbakken 12 years, 8 months ago
Hi guys,

I just want to know how to conduct a demographic research so i can get a good understanding of my target market. what sort of things should I consider and how should i format the document etc. Thanks in advance and hope to hear from you soon. God bless :)
Someone just asked me about market research on my homepage bulletin board. Your question is very broad and vague, so I don't know if the other person's question is applicable or not, but if you want to check it, read "How can we get honest and objective focus test results?" at

I said your question is broad and vague:

"how to conduct a demographic research so i can get a good understanding of my target market. what sort of things should I consider"

You should consider what kind of things you want to learn about your target market, for starters.
Have you tried googling "how to do demographic research" yet? Have you been to the bookstore to see what they may have to offer?

"and how should i format the document"

What document?

-- Tom Sloper --

I'd love to hear some specifics. I don't need any major spoilers, but you're rather vague as Tom points out. If you're talking about statistical research and analysis, then that depends powerfully on the context. Statistics is one of those things that can be blown astronomically out of proportions if you don't also get the relevant factors.

For instance, did you know that the chance to crash with an airplane is twice as high as crashing with a car? "Statistics don't lie!" LOL, but try convincing people of that without showing the underlying factors that make it true. (Hint: the number of hours spent flying airplanes compared to driving cars lol, and the fact that it relates to landing and take-off and only marginally to airtime.)

- Awl you're base are belong me! -

- I don't know, I'm just a noob -

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