
Most over-rated game of all time

Started by April 17, 2012 12:05 AM
106 comments, last by JoeBoris 12 years, 9 months ago

Umm you're talking about a game that came out in 2003. You should be looking at Planetside 2 which is releasing probably 2013.

Well Dust is coming out before Planetside 2, and what I said was that Dust is going to take shooters to a new level of complexity compared to what we've seen before. I'm pretty sure the other guy was talking about Planetside 1, but I'm also very excited for PS2. I doubt PS1 is in many regards more complex than Dust, but I'm sure Dust and PS2 will be big competitors. I can't wait to play both of them and give passionate, innovative developers my full support

Well Dust is coming out before Planetside 2, and what I said was that Dust is going to take shooters to a new level of complexity compared to what we've seen before. I'm pretty sure the other guy was talking about Planetside 1, but I'm also very excited for PS2. I doubt PS1 is in many regards more complex than Dust, but I'm sure Dust and PS2 will be big competitors. I can't wait to play both of them and give passionate, innovative developers my full support

You're talking about Dust 514 the console shooter? It's a PS3 exclusive. [s]32v32[/s] 24v24? instanced matches. You can't even compare that to Planetside 1 in scope. Planetside 1 was huge. It had 8x8 km maps with tons of vehicles and 400 players on a continent. Planetside 2 isn't a competitor to Dust 514 in the slightest. Dust's competitors are the new COD and BF games and like Tribes Ascend. I might sound defensive, but Planetside 1 and 2 are MMOFPSes. It's a totally different genre.
Actually Dust is being called an MMOFPS, although it's not like there is a strict definition of that term. Also I know that there won't be nearly as many players on the "continent" in Dust, but how many players will there be fighting in each isolated battle on average in Planetside 2? I'm sure it won't be much more than 48, even with the ability to organize up to 400 players in one spot. As for the map content, there over 7,000 planets in Dust/Eve, each with 10-20 vastly different maps utilizing procedural randomization. In theory, there will be thousands of kilometers more unique map content in Dust than PS2. Yes it would be cool if players could travel between districts in real time like Planetside, but one advantage of the game being PS3 exclusive is that it is really easy for them to release updates and expansions. Who knows, maybe that will be a possibility in the future
I don't know about "most overrated of all time" but both Assassin's creed and GTA4 felt very empty (and a bit dull) to me. It's like the developers spent so much time and effort creating a beautiful environment to play in the actual gameplay was put aside. I only just started playing "The ballad of Gay Tony" and I can already tell I'm going to enjoy it much more than both the Niko Bellic and Baldy McBikerton's storylines.

Actually Dust is being called an MMOFPS, although it's not like there is a strict definition of that term. Also I know that there won't be nearly as many players on the "continent" in Dust, but how many players will there be fighting in each isolated battle on average in Planetside 2? I'm sure it won't be much more than 48

There were tons of times you'd get over 100 people in one spot in PS1.

I'm not trying to Poo on Dust 514. I think it's going to be sweet. I just think you're overstating how revolutionary it is.
I don't know what I am overstating, all I said is that it's going to be the most complex shooter so far. The only thing PS1 has on Dust is more players (which doesn't even necessarily affect "complexity")

I don't know what I am overstating, all I said is that it's going to be the most complex shooter so far.

What exactly are you basing this amorphous concept of 'complexity' on?

PlanetSide supports more players, Battlefield 3 supports destructible buildings, Halo has more complex NPC behaviours, Borderlands has more weapon/stat variety... I could go on, but you get the idea.

Tristam MacDonald. Ex-BigTech Software Engineer. Future farmer. []

That's why I said "complexity" in quotation marks lol because I'm sure we all mean it differently. I guess I would define the most complex game as the one with the most overall unique gameplay options, strategies, and roles for the players, considering the word complex is defined as consisting of many different parts. So the "parts" Dust has more of is combat roles, equipment/vehicle options, stat customization(probably more than borderlands but they haven't released that much info on it yet), strategies(debatable), the market, incentives and purpose, etc... There's also a lot of information they aren't making public yet

Here are some articles if you're interested


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