
Logitech controler library?

Started by April 10, 2012 03:04 PM
0 comments, last by Dunge 12 years, 10 months ago
Hello I would like to use a [color=#2f4f4f]Logitech controler on a pc with my opengl program. I used c++ to program the game and my compiler is vs2010. I am wondering if there is an [color=#2f4f4f]sdk or a library and where i might find it. to set up a dual shock controler with my program. any leads would be amazing thanks

Logitech (or any other controller) rarely have their own API or it would be a hell for developers. Windows detect the device and use drivers to relay keypress to the standard gamepad device which can be read via DirectInput or any other generic gamepad input library.

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