[quote name='glhf' timestamp='1333889000' post='4929303']
And about all the different things you can do in a turn... I can easily do all that within 6 seconds.
Sorry, but I simply don't believe you --
What reason would I have to come here and lie about that?
I know I can do it because I can.
I've been playing games for more than 15 years.
Just because you can't do it doesn't mean other people can't do it.
So if you don't believe me then I guess the discussion between us ends at that.
Your argument about having 100 skills to choose between for a each situation is pretty crazy too.
I mean sure there can easily be 100 skills in the game.. but not all for the same type of situation.. that means you would have to have over a thousand skills in the game.
When I played WoW for example I probably had around 50 abilities hotkeyed/keybinded. I used up every single hotbar slot available.
Doesn't mean I had to decide between them all for each situation.. All skills are used for different situations.