
Games you're excited about

Started by March 27, 2012 07:54 AM
32 comments, last by way2lazy2care 12 years, 10 months ago
I heard someone say that this year isn't going to be a good year for games, but I haven't been as excited as I am about this year in a long time!

Here are mine:

- Dust 514
- Planetside 2
- Firefall
- Halo 4
- WoW: mists of pandaria
- Diablo 3
Silent Hill: Downpour (I live in aus and it hasn't come out yet)
Resident evil 6 and orc
I heard someone say that this year isn't going to be a good year for games[/quote]

It started with ME3.

We all know how that went...
Retro City Rampage

[edit: couple of others]

The Secret World and Guild Wars 2 (not sure which i'll like more, but their concepts of gameplay are intriguing)
SpyParty and The Witness.

When delusional, I still hold out for BlackMesa, and also Half-life 3. mellow.png
Guild Wars 2.


Wielder of the Sacred Wands
[Work - ArenaNet] [Epoch Language] [Scribblings]

I'm excited about the groundbreaking game I am going to be developing in twenty-five years. It's going to be awesome. Stay tuned rolleyes.gif
I was hyped up for BF3 but of course it screwed up real big and turned out a complete COD clone with vehicles. Another great franchise destroyed. BF2 was one of the best FPS I ever played, the sense of teamwork was just great even when not playing with friends.

I am kind of looking forward to Half-Life 3, I really liked HL1 and HL2.

Most games are released in the late months of the year so there aren't that many games announced yet.

“If I understand the standard right it is legal and safe to do this but the resulting value could be anything.”

Basically just Planetside 2 and Bioshock Infinite. Those are the only games on my must play list. (Planetside 2 because I sunk a few years in the original).
X-Com: Enemy Unknown (the new one, not the FPS. I'm praying they don't make it suck somehow)
Max Payne 3.
Gta 5.
Bioshock Infinite.

EDIT: OH and protoype 2 too.

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