
What is wrong with me?!

Started by February 29, 2012 10:13 AM
30 comments, last by Codeloader_Dev 12 years, 6 months ago

I would suggest them to make an erotic calender and donate the profits to a local animal shelter.
You're an idiot.

I will enjoy seeing you crash and burn.

(Please post pictures).
Mike Popoloski | Journal | SlimDX
You think you and your ideas are better than others, that attitude will get you no where and fast

[quote name='Wan' timestamp='1330533451' post='4917810']
I would suggest them to make an erotic calender and donate the profits to a local animal shelter.

Forget everything I said. Listen to this man instead.
I think we all agree on the following.

You asked:

The answer is:
[quote name='Wan']You're not me.

Beginner in Game Development?  Read here. And read here.


What is wrong with me?!

So many, many, many things.
if you think programming is like sex, you probably haven't done much of either.-------------- - capn_midnight

[quote name='tstrimple' timestamp='1330535862' post='4917832']
[quote name='Wan' timestamp='1330533451' post='4917810']
I would suggest them to make an erotic calender and donate the profits to a local animal shelter.

Forget everything I said. Listen to this man instead.
You know it's only like $200 for a nice camera..
Oh boy...

[quote name='quasar3d' timestamp='1330511436' post='4917677']
What's wrong with you? Well, for one thing, you're planning to ask someone out you clearly have no respect for at all...

True but I really want something good to come out of this instead of doing a bunch of work for nothing and failing the class... Maybe I should just come up with my own idea and do it without my class mate's knowledge then just present it to them?

Well you have a couple of options here.

You can do all the work as you suggest, and leave them out of it. You do this though, and you forgo any chance whatsoever (if there is a chance to begin with) of getting either of the girls. They'll just see you as another guy that will do their homework for them.

Or you can actually involve them. Develop your social skills. They want a guy who's going to lead, so take the lead and involve them. This isn't just about getting the grade, it's about learning to work with others. Get their #s or arrange a coffee shop meeting after class where you can bounce ideas back and forth and get a rough draft going. Keep the meeting light hearted and fun and if this girl actually digs on you, you can progress from there.

I've actually done the same thing before: I was in a group with a couple of girls for a class, and I organized a meet at a local coffee place where we went over the project and I got the ol' flirt on. I didn't actually ask the particular girl out right then and there: that could very well make things VERY awkward. But I kept things playful enough to the point where they all really looked forward to our coffee shop meets... then after the project was over I gave her a call and asked her if she wanted to hang out, and boom.. we dated for a few months.

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